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Even simplest streaming is not working

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 21:30
I Have to PC's (XP) in a 100mbit lan. All firewall ant antivirus programms are turned off.

A: (VLC Ver.0.9.8a)
B: (VLC Ver.0.9.8a)

When i start a udp stream on A an test it with a 2nd vlc instance listening on ist works. I can see the video.
But when I try to do the same on B it always says "VLC can't open MRL 'udp://@'...".

Each PC sees the other one (ping, windows share, etc...)

Please help me!

Re: Even simplest streaming is not working

Posted: 09 Mar 2009 22:51
ok. ver 0.85 works (both pc). I wonder why 0.98a on same pc's don't work?

Re: Even simplest streaming is not working

Posted: 10 Mar 2009 19:36
by sblee
I'm also just started to use vlc and still trying to do interesting tests with Linux and Windows.

My 0.9.8a binary installtion for windows works fine with rtp over udp. Please, try to use following procedures.

For the streamer(, open a cmd window and go to "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC" folder. Type following commands
.\vlc "video_file" --sout "#rtp{dst=,port=1234,mux=ts,proto=udp}"

For the receiver(, open a cmd window and go to "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC" folder. Type following commands
.\vlc rtp://@

If you want to use udp only, you can use following commands

For the streamer(, open a cmd window and go to "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC" folder. Type following commands
.\vlc "video_file" --sout "udp://"

For the receiver(, open a cmd window and go to "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC" folder. Type following commands
.\vlc udp://@