Streaming a file at a different speed?

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Streaming a file at a different speed?

Postby dhirwinjr » 11 Dec 2008 23:32


I'd like to be able to stream a saved file but at different playback speeds depending on a user's input (for example 1x, 2x, 4x, etc.). Right now I have the following which only does 1x:

Code: Select all

"setup playback01 output #duplicate{dst=std{access=http,mux=ts,dst=<some playback URL>}}"
which works great. I thought maybe by transcoding and setting the frames/second value I could force it to playback at different speeds (assuming a standard video is recorded at something around 30 frames/second). Here's what I've tried:

Code: Select all

setup playback01 output #transcode{vcodec=mp4v,fps=120,scale=1}:duplicate{dst=std{access=http,mux=ts,dst=<some playback URL>}}
Unfortunately this didn't result in any type of change (it still streams the video fine and I can still view it, it's just that there's no difference between a setting of fps=15, fps=30, or fps=120). Two questions:

- Is it even possible to stream a file back at a different speed?
- If so, I figure you've got to transcode the video. Am I close in my setup?

By the way, I'm using VLC 0.8.6d on Windows XP.

Thanks for the help,

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 19
Joined: 13 Dec 2008 00:55

Re: Streaming a file at a different speed?

Postby ChrisHolmesOnline » 18 Dec 2008 16:49

I have the same question. Almost the same version too (0.8.6i)

I was hoping to reduce the fps to around 1, to conserve bandwidth on our network while testing out VLC.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 35
Joined: 14 Jan 2008 17:46
Operating System: Windows / Linux

Re: Streaming a file at a different speed?

Postby dhirwinjr » 19 Dec 2008 03:26

I have the same question. Almost the same version too (0.8.6i)

I was hoping to reduce the fps to around 1, to conserve bandwidth on our network while testing out VLC.
In talking with a co-worker of mine who has used VLC for some other projects he believed that this functionality hasn't actually been built into VLC yet and that the FPS option currently is only supported for MJPEG formats (not MPEG2/MPEG4). I haven't actually seen this in any VLC documentation but so I'm hoping that someone will be able to either confirm or deny this statement. Either way, so far I haven't had any luck using the FPS option.


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