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Stream from Non-Static IP to StaticIP. Encoding ONCE Only?

Posted: 05 Dec 2008 10:23
by vibes992000
Dear Admin,

I'm successfully encoding using UDP from a non-static ip to a static ip. However once the stream reaches to the static ip then I have to encode it again for stream further in various outputs like wmv2 etc.

Is there any possible way by which I just encode ONCE and then the static ip directly forwards that stream to the clients.

I'm SUCCESSFULLY doing that using adobe flash media encoder 2.5 as I capture my live video using flash media encoder and then send it to my fms and users connect there directly to fms. So I have to ONLY ENCODE ONCE

Please anybody let me know that is this possible in VLC too? I mean here I have to encode TWICE which really really deteriorates the quality as already I'm loosing lots of quality encoding once.



Re: Stream from Non-Static IP to StaticIP. Encoding ONCE Only?

Posted: 05 Dec 2008 12:17
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
yes, you can encode once and on the relay, just remux

Re: Stream from Non-Static IP to StaticIP. Encoding ONCE Only?

Posted: 05 Dec 2008 15:10
by vibes992000
yes, you can encode once and on the relay, just remux
Thanks for the prompt reply. I'm unable to find the option of remuxing anywhere in the streaming wizard. Please help.. Thanks again.

At the moment I'm planning to continue to user vlc 0.86i version as the commandline and vlm architecture for the 0.9.x seems to be different ...

Re: Stream from Non-Static IP to StaticIP. Encoding ONCE Only?

Posted: 06 Dec 2008 10:56
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
Remuxing is "always on" with VLC. If you are not transcoding, you're remuxing.

Re: Stream from Non-Static IP to StaticIP. Encoding ONCE Only?

Posted: 06 Dec 2008 11:37
by vibes992000
Remuxing is "always on" with VLC. If you are not transcoding, you're remuxing.
Secondly this thing works only for UDP/RTP protocols. What I want to stream one in WMV2 format to my static IP and remux from there directly ahead.. I tried that but it failed :( .. any helps for that oo ??