XP / Ubuntu Streaming

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XP / Ubuntu Streaming

Postby mangogreg » 13 Nov 2008 06:12

I need to provide media over the internet for my mother who is incapacitated.

My local system: XP [VLC 0.9.4]
Her remote system: Ubuntu [VLC 0.8.6e]
SSH: PuTTY on local side

I'd like to know what the VLC setup would be on both the server side (local) and the client side (remote) to transmit avi video files and mp3 or ogg sound files.

I would prefer using the GUIs (I use xming to view her system); however, I will use the command lines if necessary (if command lines can, in fact, be used on the XP side)


Rémi Denis-Courmont
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VLC version: master
Operating System: Linux

Re: XP / Ubuntu Streaming

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 13 Nov 2008 17:27

The official streaming howto has plenty of infos about this.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: XP / Ubuntu Streaming

Postby mangogreg » 14 Nov 2008 04:52

I should have stated that my problem is:
- The VLC client is on the SSH server (OpenSSH on Ubuntu)
- When I try to stream the files to the VLC client, the output is always on the VLC server machine aka the SSH client.

I'm pretty much a newbie and I'm wondering whether my problem is my VLC configuration or my SSHing skills.

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Re: XP / Ubuntu Streaming

Postby pez » 11 Dec 2008 16:47

i'll assume that both of you have dinamic ip's, and are behind some kind of router (even though i think your mom is directly connected to the net for you to ssh to her linux box)

from your side (local), you just have to get the streaming done as j-b stated above, via the command line or through the GUI (select the media/playlist, then select 'stream' and select whatever mux,codec, quality you're ok with, then stream). Search the wiki, the howto, the forum or the GUI itself (it's quite intuitive) to tweak your stream, in terms of bandwith, quality, etc.

#============--network solution--===================#

in the scenario that you are behind a router, the problem is to NAT to your XP box from your mom's, so, for the sake of simplicity, create a dynamic dns account (no-ip , dyndns, etc) so you/your mom doesn't have to change the ip everytime. let's say you are: mangogreg.no-ip.org (this you'll have to configure in your router, most modern firmwares allow this, and have a section for it) ,then , you'll have to do a PORT FORWARD, so every connection that reaches the router in a certain port (let's say 1234) will be forwarded to your box in that port (or another).

#=============----display solution---===================#

from the remote side, you have to start VLC listening to your streaming, using your ip or dynamic dns, but using a SCREEN, so when you close PuTTy, the process doesn't stops, also, you need to specify the display where the media will be shown, something like this:

]$ screen <-- press ENTER or SPACE to accept
]$ DISPLAY=:0 vlc mangogreg.no-ip.org:1234 <--- display 0 is your mom's monitor/screen

(i think that the line above solves one of your problems, at least what i understood when you say: "- When I try to stream the files to the VLC client, the output is always on the VLC server machine aka the SSH client." )

//then release the screen by pressing CTRL A + D (A, then D) and that should detach it:

if you want to get the control back, just type:

]$ screen -r <-- if you have more than 1 screen, just give the complete name

as VLC is running under a screen, you now can close putty,

and that should be it.

with the little info you provided, i thought that you were having a network problem or a display one, rather than a vlc/streaming one.

*is not necessary to use SCREEN, but for me it's useful
**if it works, you probably want to tweak the VLC line to begin fullscreen or something else.

have a good work

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