MP4 mux for http stream

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 13
Joined: 13 Mar 2006 11:25
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MP4 mux for http stream

Postby kittivud » 07 Oct 2008 20:22

I found on my test that the Adobe Flash Player (9,0,124) is able to play h.264/aac /MP4 MUX video file that caputred from dshow video graber. But VLC can not directly stream h.264 video to Adobe Flash Player (via HTTP). It is because VLC can not support MP4 mux on HTTP access mode.

1. Have any command line to stream with MP4 MUX for HTTP access mode?
2. Will it plan to support this feature in the next release 1.0 or whatever?

// Thanks
Kittivud E.
Digitalcom Thailand

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