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Howto stream mp3 playlist or directory

Posted: 03 Sep 2008 14:55
by desertforce

I am using the current verison of VLC and I am trying to stream the content of a directory or a play list via multicast. In each case the content will be mp3 files.

Whenever I try this, VLC will only add one file.

Any Ideas?


Re: Howto stream mp3 playlist or directory

Posted: 03 Sep 2008 15:10
by dionoea
It should work fine. Are you using the GUI or the command line? Can you describe exactly how you're doing (and which VLC version you're using)?

Re: Howto stream mp3 playlist or directory

Posted: 30 Sep 2008 16:33
by bugmenot
I confirm this issue.
Starting from the command line, streaming of single files work, but streaming of directories or playlists do not.

Re: Howto stream mp3 playlist or directory

Posted: 01 Oct 2008 11:56
by Teta
I have the same problem with the Unofficial VLC 0.93 for Windows and the official VLC 0.92 on Windows XP.



Re: Howto stream mp3 playlist or directory

Posted: 08 Oct 2008 15:07
by Teta
0.9.4 did not fix this either :(
