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Segmentation fault using gather module
Posted: 05 Jun 2008 11:17
by Tesla
Hello. trying to manage streaming several files uninterrupted. i'm using vlc 0.8.6c on Kubuntu Hardy 8.04
streaming with this command:
Code: Select all
vlc -vvvv *.avi --sout '#gather:standard{access=mmsh,mux=asfh,dst=}' --sout-keep
as soon as it reaches the end of a first file it's last messages are:
Code: Select all
[00000342] main input debug: stream out mode -> no decoder thread
[00000342] main input debug: starting in sync mode
[00000342] main input debug: meta information:
[00000342] main input debug: - 'Setting' = ' HAS_INDEX IS_INTERLEAVED TRUST_CKTYPE'
[00000342] main input debug: `movie2.avi' successfully opened
[00000346] avi demuxer debug: old:0 < new 0
[00000348] mpeg_audio packetizer debug: MPGA channels:2 samplerate:22050 bitrate:64
[00000292] main stream output debug: adding a new input
[00000293] stream_out_gather private debug: reusing already opened output
./ line 1: 11242 Segmentation fault (core dumped) vlc -vvvv *.avi --sout '#gather:standard{access=mmsh,mux=asfh,dst=}' --sout-keep
the files i stream are already transcoded and have the same a/v codecs, resolution and bitrate. the reason why i dont use vlc's transcoding capabilities is that i decided to exclude possible transcoder crashes and isolate the problem. i still get the segfault with vlc's transcoding. to be specific here is how i get videos i'm trying to stream
Code: Select all
mencoder $1 -vf scale=320:240 -o movie.avi -ovc xvid -xvidencopts bitrate=128 -oac mp3lame -lameopts cbr:br=64
this segmentation bug is reprodusable on another hardware and vlc 0.8.6 on Kubuntu 7.04
Please help me solving this issue.
Feel free to ask for more debug information
Re: Segmentation fault using gather module
Posted: 02 Sep 2008 03:50
by pfoff
I was trying with that:
Code: Select all
vlc -vvv --intf dummy --sout-all --sout-keep --sout "#gather:duplicate{dst=std{access=mmsh,caching=300,mux=ts,dst=:1236}}" list4.m3u
Code: Select all
[00000330] main input debug: keeping sout
[00000330] main input debug: thread 3037805456 joined (input/input.c:412)
[00000281] main playlist debug: creating new input thread
[00000354] main input debug: waiting for thread completion
[00000354] main input debug: thread 3037805456 (input) created at priority 0 (input/input.c:265)
[00000354] main input debug: sout keep: reusing sout
[00000354] main input debug: sout keep: you probably want to use gather stream_out
[00000354] main input debug: `mpeg/mov02d.mod.mpeg.mp4' gives access `' demux `' path `mpeg/mov02d.mod.mpeg.mp4'
[00000354] main input debug: creating demux: access='' demux='' path='mpeg/mov02d.mod.mpeg.mp4'
[00000355] main demuxer debug: looking for access_demux module: 2 candidates
[00000354] main input debug: creating access '' path='mpeg/mov02d.mod.mpeg.mp4'
[00000356] main access debug: looking for access2 module: 5 candidates
[00000356] vcd access debug: trying .cue file: mpeg/mov02d.mod.mpeg.cue
[00000356] vcd access debug: could not find .cue file
[00000356] access_file access debug: opening file `mpeg/mov02d.mod.mpeg.mp4'
[00000356] main access debug: using access2 module "access_file"
[00000357] main private debug: pre-buffering...
[00000357] main private debug: received first data for our buffer
[00000357] main private debug: pre-buffering done 1408981 bytes in 0s - 489664 kbytes/s
[00000354] main input debug: creating demux: access='' demux='' path='mpeg/mov02d.mod.mpeg.mp4'
[00000358] main demuxer debug: looking for demux2 module: 45 candidates
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: ftyp size 20
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: free size 8
[00000357] mp4 private debug: skip box: "free"
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: mdat size 7339399
[00000357] mp4 private debug: skip box: "mdat"
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: moov size 11321
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: mvhd size 108
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "mvhd" creation 719084d-36h:00m:00s modification 719084d-36h:00m:00s time scale 1000 duration 694977d-48h:00m:00s rate 1.000000 volume 1.000000 next track id 3
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: trak size 4213
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: tkhd size 92
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "tkhd" creation 719084d-36h:00m:00s modification 719084d-36h:00m:00s duration 883549365d-14h:56m:00s track ID 1 layer 0 volume 0.000000 width 1023.999985 height 576.000000
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: mdia size 4113
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: mdhd size 32
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "mdhd" creation 719084d-36h:00m:00s modification 719084d-36h:00m:00s time scale 25 duration 694977d-48h:07m:24s language und
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: hdlr size 45
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "hdlr" handler type vide name
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: minf size 4028
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: vmhd size 20
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "vmhd" graphics-mode 0 opcolor (0, 0, 0)
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: dinf size 36
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: dref size 28
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: url size 12
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "url" url: (null)
[00000357] mp4 private debug: out of bound child
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "dref" entry-count 1
[00000357] mp4 private debug: out of bound child
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: stbl size 3964
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: stsd size 152
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: avc1 size 136
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: avcC size 50
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "avcC" version=1 profile=0x42 level=0x33 length size=4 sps=1 pps=1
[00000357] mp4 private debug: - sps[0] length=27
[00000357] mp4 private debug: - pps[0] length=4
[00000357] mp4 private debug: out of bound child
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "vide" in stsd 720x576 depth 24
[00000357] mp4 private debug: out of bound child
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "stsd" entry-count 1
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: stts size 24
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "stts" entry-count 1
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: stss size 164
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "stss" entry-count 37
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: stsc size 28
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "stsc" entry-count 1
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: stsz size 1796
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "stsz" sample-size 0 sample-count 444
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: stco size 1792
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "co64" entry-count 444
[00000357] mp4 private debug: out of bound child
[00000357] mp4 private debug: out of bound child
[00000357] mp4 private debug: out of bound child
[00000357] mp4 private debug: out of bound child
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: trak size 6984
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: tkhd size 92
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "tkhd" creation 719084d-36h:00m:00s modification 719084d-36h:00m:00s duration 869232807d-11h:15m:12s track ID 2 layer 0 volume 1.000000 width 0.000000 height 0.000000
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: mdia size 6884
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: mdhd size 32
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "mdhd" creation 719084d-36h:00m:00s modification 719084d-36h:00m:00s time scale 48000 duration 694986d-40h:57m:36s language und
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: hdlr size 45
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "hdlr" handler type soun name
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: minf size 6799
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: smhd size 16
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "smhd" balance 0.000000
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: dinf size 36
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: dref size 28
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: url size 12
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "url" url: (null)
[00000357] mp4 private debug: out of bound child
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "dref" entry-count 1
[00000357] mp4 private debug: out of bound child
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: stbl size 6739
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: stsd size 91
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: mp4a size 75
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "soun" mp4 or qt1/2 (rest=39)
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: esds size 39
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found esds MPEG4ESDescr (25Bytes)
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found esds MP4DecConfigDescr (17Bytes)
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found esds MP4DecSpecificDescr (2Bytes)
[00000357] mp4 private debug: out of bound child
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "soun" in stsd channel 2 sample size 16 sample rate 48000.000000
[00000357] mp4 private debug: out of bound child
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "stsd" entry-count 1
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: stts size 24
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "stts" entry-count 1
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: stsc size 28
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "stsc" entry-count 1
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: stsz size 3296
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "stsz" sample-size 0 sample-count 819
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: stco size 3292
[00000357] mp4 private debug: read box: "co64" entry-count 819
[00000357] mp4 private debug: out of bound child
[00000357] mp4 private debug: out of bound child
[00000357] mp4 private debug: out of bound child
[00000357] mp4 private debug: out of bound child
[00000357] mp4 private debug: found Box: udta size 8
[00000357] mp4 private debug: out of bound child
[00000357] mp4 private debug: out of bound child
[00000357] mp4 private debug: dumping root Box "root"
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | + ftyp size 20
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | + free size 8
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | + mdat size 7339399
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | + moov size 11321
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | + mvhd size 108
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | + trak size 4213
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | + tkhd size 92
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | + mdia size 4113
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | + mdhd size 32
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | + hdlr size 45
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | + minf size 4028
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | + vmhd size 20
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | + dinf size 36
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | | + dref size 28
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | | | + url size 12
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | + stbl size 3964
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | | + stsd size 152
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | | | + avc1 size 136
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | | | | + avcC size 50
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | | + stts size 24
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | | + stss size 164
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | | + stsc size 28
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | | + stsz size 1796
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | | + stco size 1792
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | + trak size 6984
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | + tkhd size 92
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | + mdia size 6884
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | + mdhd size 32
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | + hdlr size 45
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | + minf size 6799
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | + smhd size 16
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | + dinf size 36
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | | + dref size 28
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | | | + url size 12
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | + stbl size 6739
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | | + stsd size 91
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | | | + mp4a size 75
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | | | | + esds size 39
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | | + stts size 24
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | | + stsc size 28
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | | + stsz size 3296
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | | | | | + stco size 3292
[00000357] mp4 private debug: | | + udta size 8
[00000358] mp4 demuxer debug: ISO Media file (isom) version 512.
[00000358] mp4 demuxer debug: find 2 tracks
[00000358] mp4 demuxer debug: track[Id 0x1] read 444 chunk
[00000358] mp4 demuxer debug: track[Id 0x1] read 444 samples length:17s
[00000354] main input debug: selecting program id=0
[00000358] mp4 demuxer debug: adding track[Id 0x1] video (enable) language undef
[00000358] mp4 demuxer debug: track[Id 0x2] read 819 chunk
[00000358] mp4 demuxer debug: track[Id 0x2] read 819 samples length:17s
[00000358] mp4 demuxer debug: adding track[Id 0x2] audio (enable) language undef
[00000358] main demuxer debug: using demux2 module "mp4"
[00000358] mp4 demuxer warning: DEMUX_GET_FPS unimplemented !!
[00000354] main input debug: looking for a subtitle file in mpeg/
[00000359] main packetizer debug: looking for packetizer module: 17 candidates
[00000359] packetizer_h264 packetizer debug: found NAL_SPS
[00000359] packetizer_h264 packetizer debug: found NAL_PPS
[00000359] packetizer_h264 packetizer debug: avcC length size=4, sps=1, pps=1
[00000359] main packetizer debug: using packetizer module "packetizer_h264"
[00000354] main input debug: stream out mode -> no decoder thread
[00000360] main packetizer debug: looking for packetizer module: 17 candidates
[00000360] packetizer_mpeg4audio packetizer debug: running MPEG4 audio packetizer
[00000360] packetizer_mpeg4audio packetizer debug: AAC 48000Hz 1024 samples/frame
[00000360] main packetizer debug: using packetizer module "packetizer_mpeg4audio"
[00000354] main input debug: stream out mode -> no decoder thread
[00000354] main input debug: starting in sync mode
[00000354] main input debug: `mpeg/mov02d.mod.mpeg.mp4' successfully opened
[00000358] mp4 demuxer debug: track[Id 0x1] using Sync Sample Box (stss)
[00000358] mp4 demuxer debug: stts gives 0 --> 0 (sample number)
[00000358] mp4 demuxer debug: track[Id 0x2] does not provide Sync Sample Box (stss)
[00000298] main stream output debug: adding a new input
[00000299] stream_out_gather private debug: reusing already opened output
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
CRASH.... Also with your command line.
Did anybody find a solution for that? Is there another way to stream h264 to windows(quicktime-plugin,rtp?). Or do some codecpacks support mplayer with h264 over http/rtp? And that's the solution?
Caused me some headache, yet.
Post scriptum:
I found that bug #1032 ( No idea, why it is closed as unreproducable, I can reproduce it on any box, i could get my hands on(Suse,debian,ubuntu....) and with any playlist, that contains mpeg files, ever when the next file is about to start, it crashes.
Are the vlc guys reading this?
Re: Segmentation fault using gather module
Posted: 02 Sep 2008 16:04
by dionoea
What VLC version are you using?
Re: Segmentation fault using gather module
Posted: 02 Sep 2008 21:44
by pfoff
on feisty:
VLC version 0.8.6c Janus
on hardy:
VLC-Version 0.8.6e Janus
on SuSE:
VLC version 0.8.6e Janus
VLC-Version 0.8.6c Janus
All have the same problems, when I try to stream h264/m4a via mmsh/asfh. Does this answer your questions?)
Re: Segmentation fault using gather module
Posted: 02 Sep 2008 22:38
by dionoea
Would you be able to test a nightly build from ? (those require Debian Sid or Ubuntu Intrepid ... I don't know if the Suse nightlies are recent)
Re: Segmentation fault using gather module
Posted: 03 Sep 2008 03:01
by pfoff
No matter, I'd do that on the testsystem. Is there a way to install it into a user specified directory(link?)?
The Suse we are talking about is still at 10.0...
I would like to see it working on my debian/ubuntu test environment.
Thanks for your quick responses!
Re: Segmentation fault using gather module
Posted: 03 Sep 2008 15:04
by dionoea
Well on ubuntu you can just install the nightly and remove it when you're done testing. I don't know if apt/dpkg allow selecting a different install folder.
Re: Segmentation fault using gather module
Posted: 10 Sep 2008 03:22
by pfoff
No time yet, to try the nightly builds however I found out, that it does not crash, when I transcode on the fly, instead of just streaming prepared files.
Successfull sout:
But now another problem arises. VLC does not report connect requests anymore, so I can't tell from the log files, how much users connected to the stream.
I have added -vvv to the command line, but at no success....
Anyone knows about that!?!?
Re: Segmentation fault using gather module
Posted: 04 Nov 2009 13:37
by isync
Got the same segfault with 0.8.6.a Janus on Debian, while streaming a .asf-only playlist with #gather:std... and --sout-keep
Any progress/solution on this thread/topic?
Re: Segmentation fault using gather module
Posted: 04 Nov 2009 18:15
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
You're unlikely to get help with as antique as 0.8.6a a version.