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Posted: 15 May 2008 09:17
by kindmartin
Any one think it would be usefull for the VLC comunity a VLC aditional code or module to make the sout works in a multi coloborative fashion, I mean several VLC "souting" the differents parts of the same stream.
Maybe it's a good idea take contact with emule developers, as they are Videolan's fan too.

I'm trying to imagine a very new brave world where my home PC conected to some local broadcaster stations (or also Cable TV / IPTV) would transcode this signals using VLC and my internet access uptream to serve others peoples needs, and them also would doing the same for me. Maybe its a good idea think in a credit system to earn credits depending how many each user give to the colaborative system.

Obviusly the traditional content providers will dislike the idea but...
there are some others content providers like UK BBC with iPlayer that are using this tecnics to improve broadband performance.

More on this tecnics, there're some streaming service providers that are using the same concept to stream content comercialy (Abacast is one of those, Akamai I think have projects on this too)

I didn't found a relative topic for this question.

A+, Martin


Posted: 23 May 2008 16:22
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
There are currently no "peer-to-peer" outputs in VLC, and nobody has stepped up for such a project.


Posted: 02 Jun 2008 21:51
by kindmartin
yes, I know since early 2000 that VideoLAN is for Vdeo at ECP's LAN...

But now VLC is used more Wide Area Networks (i.e Internet) so is time to think that is not make sense originate /agregate all IP traffic in just a unicast server, I mean for scalability reasons. And I asume that for times will be not wide IP Multicast support, not even SSM, so for internet at least the only answer is P2P.
At least for the server path of VLC.

Take a look at:

As an electronic engineer (not formed in C++) really think that include P2P is the right answer to make path to the future.