Streaming with ati card

About encoding, codec settings, muxers and filter usage
Ati All in wonder

Streaming with ati card

Postby Ati All in wonder » 27 Sep 2004 09:40

I tried making VLC work with my Ati and searched a lot on the net for this purpose but was not successful. i have read comments from some ppl that they were successful with ati card. my problem as along with a lot of ppl is that after all the settings it switches to tunner mode whereas i have the device plugged in composite. There are only options for video format, color etc when i click "configure" next to video device name.
After checking "device properties" and clinking "ok" the dialog box for selecting the input do appear which i change to video composite but (i think as) the last dialog box is auto tune dialog for tuning which you cannot cancel and clinking on it again changes the option to tunner input.
May be if we can access the option for video input from command line and skip the last dialog, it can work.
Please help :?:

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