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Streaming from an Happauge WinTV PVR-250 - no picture

Posted: 22 Sep 2004 10:04
by AndreasB
We are trying to use a PVR-250 to stream rtp multicast using VLC:

vlc -vvv pvr:/dev/video0:norm=pal:size=720x576:bitrate=3000000:maxbitrate=3500000 --sout '#rtp{dst=,port=5000,sdp=}' --cr-average 1000 --mtu 1460 --ttl 64

But using either VLC or Quicktime, I only get the sound, but not the picture. When using the udp module I get both.

Any ideas, sudgestions, helpfull tips?

Posted: 22 Sep 2004 13:42
by Jane
I use winXP Pro SP2 and VLC 0.7.2

I use PVR-250 to stream too but i use direct show pass udp
First time
when i refresh list at video device name i found Hauppauge win TV PVR PCI II so i configure at video decoder
i select video standard = PAL_B
and i found Sinal Detect = 1

**********when i got Signal Detect = 1 i can see video but have no sound but i got Signal Detect = 0 i can't see video but have sound***********

In direct show at audio device "Hauppauge win TV" driver not found but it show only sound card

Why i cant stream out both video and audio?