VLC 0.8.6d and ffmpeg 0.4.9_p20070616 fails in mp2v, h264 ok
Posted: 12 Feb 2008 16:49
I'm trying to transcode some streams to mpeg2 using the mp2v codec. It works fine on windows, but on my gentoo installation I cannot get it to work. Transcoding to h264 (using x264) works fine, but when I try the exact same setup to transcode to mp2v ffmpeg tells me that it cannot find the encoder.
The vlm file: http://paste.videolan.org/3251 (commented out the two different lines for mp2v/h264 output)
The -vvv output using h264: http://paste.videolan.org/3255
The -vvv output using mp2v: http://paste.videolan.org/3254
Any hints? I read about downgrading to the previous ffmpeg version (on gentoo-wiki.com) because of xvid-divx problems, but that did not do the trick. I also tried adding "fps=25" to the transcode options, but that has no impact.
line 347:
Any hints?
The vlm file: http://paste.videolan.org/3251 (commented out the two different lines for mp2v/h264 output)
The -vvv output using h264: http://paste.videolan.org/3255
The -vvv output using mp2v: http://paste.videolan.org/3254
Any hints? I read about downgrading to the previous ffmpeg version (on gentoo-wiki.com) because of xvid-divx problems, but that did not do the trick. I also tried adding "fps=25" to the transcode options, but that has no impact.
line 347:
Code: Select all
#ffmpeg warning: Set profile and level
# (mpeg2video@0x2aaab40d6560)
#ffmpeg error: cannot open encoder