Problem streaming Audio - Video working fine!

About encoding, codec settings, muxers and filter usage
New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 1
Joined: 07 Jan 2008 16:03

Problem streaming Audio - Video working fine!

Postby luceds » 07 Jan 2008 16:35

Hi GUys,

I have been struggling with this one for a few weeks now and I have read all (almost) the forums for a possible fix and nothign has worked yet..


Compaq Evo
P4 2.4ghz
2gb ram
60gb drive
Matrox g450 display
Creative Sound Blaster PCI
WinTv PVR 150

I finally got the video streaming to work but audio is not. I have found the channels by tunning into them and if I use the wintv application it all works fine. As soon as I try and use vlc it doesn't work.. Not even if I don't stream it.. I can only ever get video working.

Here is a log file:

-- logger module started --
main debug: CPU has capabilities 486 586 MMX MMXEXT SSE SSE2 FPU
main debug: looking for memcpy module: 3 candidates
main debug: using memcpy module "memcpymmxext"
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: thread 3740 (playlist) created at priority 0 (playlist/playlist.c:184)
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: thread 3756 (preparser) created at priority 0 (playlist/playlist.c:210)
main debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
main debug: using interface module "hotkeys"
main debug: thread 3780 (interface) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:231)
main debug: looking for interface module: 3 candidates
main debug: using interface module "wxwidgets"
main debug: thread 3800 (manager) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:216)
wxwidgets debug: Using last windows config '(-1,0,0,1280,1024)(0,454,39,776,667)(6,0,0,-1,150)'
wxwidgets debug: id=0 p=(454,39) s=(776,667)
wxwidgets debug: id=6 p=(0,0) s=(-1,150)
main debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate
logger: VLC media player - version 0.8.6d Janus - (c) 1996-2007 the VideoLAN team
Warning: if you can’t access the GUI anymore, open a command-line window, go to the directory where you installed VLC and run “vlc -I wx”

logger: using logger...
logger warning: no log filename provided, using `vlc-log.txt'
logger debug: opening logfile `vlc-log.txt'
main debug: using interface module "logger"
main debug: thread 3896 (interface) created at priority 0 (interface/interface.c:231)
main debug: adding playlist item `dshow://' ( dshow:// )
main debug: creating new input thread
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: creating statistics handler
main debug: thread 4196 (input) created at priority 1 (input/input.c:265)
main debug: stream=`transcode'
main debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate
main debug: stream=`duplicate'
main debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate
stream_out_duplicate debug: creating 'duplicate'
stream_out_duplicate debug: * adding `display'
main debug: stream=`display'
main debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate
main debug: using sout stream module "stream_out_display"
stream_out_duplicate debug: * adding `std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=}'
main debug: stream=`std'
main debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate
main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-access to udp
main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-mux to ts
main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-dst to
stream_out_standard debug: creating `udp/ts://'
stream_out_standard debug: extension is 1:1234
stream_out_standard debug: extension -> mux=(null)
stream_out_standard debug: using `udp/ts://'
main debug: looking for sout access module: 1 candidate
main debug: net: connecting to port 1234
main debug: thread 4360 (sout write thread) created at priority 15 (udp.c:268)
access_output_udp debug: udp access output opened(
main debug: using sout access module "access_output_udp"
stream_out_standard debug: access opened
main debug: looking for sout mux module: 1 candidate
mux_ts debug: shaping=200000 pcr=70000 dts_delay=400000
main debug: using sout mux module "mux_ts"
main debug: muxer support adding stream at any time
stream_out_standard debug: mux opened
main debug: using sout stream module "stream_out_standard"
main debug: using sout stream module "stream_out_duplicate"
main debug: set sout option: sout-transcode-vcodec to mp2v
main debug: set sout option: sout-transcode-vb to 1024
main debug: set sout option: sout-transcode-scale to 1
main debug: set sout option: sout-transcode-acodec to mp2a
main debug: set sout option: sout-transcode-ab to 192
main debug: set sout option: sout-transcode-channels to 2
stream_out_transcode debug: codec audio=mp2a 0Hz 2 channels 192Kb/s
stream_out_transcode debug: codec video=mp2v 0x0 scaling: 1.000000 1024kb/s
main debug: using sout stream module "stream_out_transcode"
main debug: `dshow://' gives access `dshow' demux `' path `'
main debug: creating demux: access='dshow' demux='' path=''
main debug: looking for access_demux module: 1 candidate
dshow debug: found device: Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II Capture
dshow debug: using device: Hauppauge WinTV PVR PCI II Capture
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin: Analog Video In
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin: Analog Audio In
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: output pin: Capture
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: output pin: Audio Out
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: output pin: VBI
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: output pin: 656
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: trying pin Capture
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin default format configured
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin media: unsupported format (video HCW2)
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin media: using 'I420' in place of unsupported format 'HCW2'
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::JoinFilterGraph
dshow debug: connecting filters
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::ConnectedTo [not connected]
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::QueryFilterInfo
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryAccept [media type not supported]
dshow debug: CapturePin::ReceiveConnection [media type not accepted]
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryAccept [media type not supported]
dshow debug: CapturePin::ReceiveConnection [media type not accepted]
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::ConnectedTo [not connected]
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CapturePin::ConnectedTo [not connected]
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryAccept [media type not supported]
dshow debug: CapturePin::ReceiveConnection [media type not accepted]
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryAccept [media type not supported]
dshow debug: CapturePin::ReceiveConnection [media type not accepted]
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryAccept [OK] (width=720, height=576, chroma=YUY2, fps=29.970000)
dshow debug: CapturePin::ReceiveConnection [OK]
dshow debug: CapturePin::GetAllocatorRequirements
dshow debug: CapturePin::GetAllocator
dshow debug: CapturePin::NotifyAllocator
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::ConnectedTo [OK]
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::ConnectedTo [OK]
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::ConnectedTo [OK]
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::ConnectedTo [OK]
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: found existing route for ouput 0 (type 12) to input 0 (type 1)
dshow debug: crossbar at depth 0, found route for ouput 0 (type 12) to input 0 (type 1)
dshow debug: filters connected successfully !
dshow debug: configuring Device Properties
dshow debug: showing WDM Video Configuration Pages
dshow debug: configuring Tuner Properties
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::ConnectedTo [OK]
dshow debug: MEDIATYPE_Video
dshow debug: selected video pin accepts format: YUY2
dshow debug: found device: Creative Sound Blaster PCI
dshow debug: using device: Creative Sound Blaster PCI
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: output pin: Capture
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin: Stereo Mix
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin: Phone Line
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin: Aux Volume
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin: Video Volume
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin: Mic Volume
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin: Line In
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin: CD Audio
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: trying pin Capture
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin default format configured
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2, samples/sec:44100 bits/sample:16
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2, samples/sec:44100 bits/sample:16
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:1, samples/sec:44100 bits/sample:16
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2, samples/sec:32000 bits/sample:16
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:1, samples/sec:32000 bits/sample:16
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2, samples/sec:22050 bits/sample:16
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:1, samples/sec:22050 bits/sample:16
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2, samples/sec:11025 bits/sample:16
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:1, samples/sec:11025 bits/sample:16
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2, samples/sec:8000 bits/sample:16
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:1, samples/sec:8000 bits/sample:16
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2, samples/sec:44100 bits/sample:8
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:1, samples/sec:44100 bits/sample:8
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2, samples/sec:22050 bits/sample:8
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:1, samples/sec:22050 bits/sample:8
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2, samples/sec:11025 bits/sample:8
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:1, samples/sec:11025 bits/sample:8
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2, samples/sec:8000 bits/sample:8
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:1, samples/sec:8000 bits/sample:8
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2, samples/sec:48000 bits/sample:16
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:1, samples/sec:48000 bits/sample:16
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:2, samples/sec:96000 bits/sample:16
dshow debug: EnumDeviceCaps: input pin accepts format: araw, channels:1, samples/sec:96000 bits/sample:16
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::JoinFilterGraph
dshow debug: connecting filters
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::ConnectedTo [not connected]
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::QueryFilterInfo
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryAccept [OK] (channels=2, samples/sec=44100, bits/samples=16, format=araw)
dshow debug: CapturePin::ReceiveConnection [OK]
dshow debug: CapturePin::NotifyAllocator
dshow debug: filters connected successfully !
dshow debug: configuring Device Properties
dshow debug: showing WDM Audio Configuration Pages
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::ConnectedTo [OK]
dshow debug: configuring Tuner Properties
dshow debug: MEDIATYPE_Audio
dshow debug: selected audio pin accepts format: araw
dshow debug: crossbar at depth 0, routed video output 0 to video input 0
dshow debug: crossbar at depth 0, routed audio output 1 to audio input 1
dshow debug: Playing...
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryPinInfo
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::ConnectedTo [OK]
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CapturePin::QueryDirection
dshow debug: CapturePin::ConnectedTo [OK]
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::SetSyncSource
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::SetSyncSource
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::Pause
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::Pause
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::Run
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::Run
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
dshow debug: CaptureFilter::EnumPins
main debug: selecting program id=0
main debug: using access_demux module "dshow"
main debug: looking for a subtitle file in C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\
main debug: looking for packetizer module: 17 candidates
main debug: using packetizer module "rawvideo"
main debug: thread 4988 (decoder) created at priority 0 (input/decoder.c:159)
main debug: looking for packetizer module: 17 candidates
main debug: using packetizer module "packetizer_copy"
main debug: thread 5000 (decoder) created at priority 2 (input/decoder.c:159)
main debug: starting in sync mode
main debug: `dshow://' successfully opened
packetizer_copy debug: need dts > 0
main debug: adding a new input
stream_out_transcode debug: creating video transcoding from fcc=`YUY2' to fcc=`mp2v'
main debug: looking for decoder module: 28 candidates
main debug: using decoder module "rawvideo"
main debug: looking for encoder module: 10 candidates
ffmpeg debug: libavcodec initialized (interface 3349504 )
ffmpeg debug: found encoder MPEG-2 Video
main debug: using encoder module "ffmpeg"
main debug: removing module "ffmpeg"
stream_out_transcode debug: decoder aspect is 576000:432000
stream_out_transcode debug: source pixel aspect is 1.066667:1
stream_out_transcode debug: scaled pixel aspect is 1.066667:1
stream_out_transcode debug: source 720x576, crop 720x576, destination 720x576, padding 720x576
stream_out_transcode debug: encoder aspect is 576000:432000
main debug: looking for encoder module: 10 candidates
ffmpeg debug: libavcodec already initialized
ffmpeg debug: found encoder MPEG-2 Video
main debug: using encoder module "ffmpeg"
stream_out_duplicate debug: duplicated a new stream codec=mpgv (es=0 group=0)
main debug: looking for decoder module: 28 candidates
main debug: using decoder module "libmpeg2"
main debug: thread 5132 (decoder) created at priority 0 (input/decoder.c:159)
stream_out_duplicate debug: - added for output 0
main debug: adding a new input
mux_ts debug: adding input codec=mpgv pid=68
mux_ts debug: new PCR PID is 68
stream_out_duplicate debug: - added for output 1
main debug: looking for crop padd module: 1 candidate
ffmpeg debug: input: 720x576 YUY2 -> 720x576 I420
ffmpeg debug: libavcodec already initialized
main debug: using crop padd module "ffmpeg"
libmpeg2 debug: 720x576 (display 720,576), aspect 576000, sar 0:0, 25.000 fps
main debug: no usable vout present, spawning one
main debug: Registering subpicture channel, ID: 2
main debug: Registering subpicture channel, ID: 3
main debug: Registering subpicture channel, ID: 4
main debug: Registering subpicture channel, ID: 5
main debug: adding a new input
stream_out_transcode debug: creating audio transcoding from fcc=`s16l' to fcc=`mp2a'
main debug: looking for decoder module: 28 candidates
araw debug: samplerate:44100Hz channels:2 bits/sample:16
main debug: using decoder module "araw"
main debug: looking for encoder module: 10 candidates
main debug: using encoder module "twolame"
stream_out_duplicate debug: duplicated a new stream codec=mpga (es=1 group=0)
main debug: looking for decoder module: 28 candidates
main debug: using decoder module "mpeg_audio"
main debug: thread 5168 (decoder) created at priority 2 (input/decoder.c:159)
stream_out_duplicate debug: - added for output 0
main debug: adding a new input
mux_ts debug: adding input codec=mpga pid=69
stream_out_duplicate debug: - added for output 1
main debug: window size: 768x576
main warning: late buffer for mux input (8793)
mpeg_audio debug: MPGA channels:2 samplerate:44100 bitrate:192
main debug: no aout present, spawning one
main debug: looking for audio output module: 3 candidates
aout_directx debug: OpenAudio
aout_directx debug: found device: Primary Sound Driver
aout_directx debug: found device: Creative Sound Blaster PCI
aout_directx debug: device supports 2 channels
aout_directx debug: device supports 1 channel
aout_directx debug: creating DirectSoundThread
main debug: thread 5548 (DirectSound Notification Thread) created at priority 15 (directx.c:372)
aout_directx debug: DirectSoundThread ready
main debug: using audio output module "aout_directx"
main debug: output 's16l' 44100 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/4 bytes
main debug: mixer 'fl32' 44100 Hz Stereo frame=1 samples/8 bytes
main debug: filter(s) 'fl32'->'s16l' 44100 Hz->44100 Hz Stereo->Stereo
main debug: looking for audio filter module: 24 candidates
main debug: using audio filter module "float32tos16"
main debug: found a filter for the whole conversion
main debug: looking for audio mixer module: 3 candidates
main debug: using audio mixer module "float32_mixer"
main debug: input 'mpga' 44100 Hz Stereo frame=1152 samples/1262 bytes
main debug: filter(s) 'mpga'->'fl32' 44100 Hz->44100 Hz Stereo->Stereo
main debug: looking for audio filter module: 24 candidates
main debug: using audio filter module "mpgatofixed32"
main debug: found a filter for the whole conversion
main debug: filter(s) 'fl32'->'fl32' 48510 Hz->44100 Hz Stereo->Stereo
main debug: looking for audio filter module: 24 candidates
main debug: using audio filter module "bandlimited_resampler"
main debug: found a filter for the whole conversion
main warning: PTS is out of range (15872), dropping buffer
main warning: PTS is out of range (-10203), dropping buffer
main warning: PTS is out of range (-36288), dropping buffer
main debug: looking for video output module: 6 candidates
vout_directx debug: creating DirectXEventThread
main debug: waiting for thread completion
vout_directx debug: DirectXCreateWindow
vout_directx debug: created video sub-window
main debug: thread 5608 (DirectX Events Thread) created at priority 0 (directx.c:278)
vout_directx debug: DirectXEventThread running
vout_directx debug: DirectXInitDDraw
vout_directx debug: directx-device:
vout_directx debug: DirectXEnumCallback: Primary Display Driver, display
vout_directx debug: screen dimensions (0x0,1280x1024)
vout_directx debug: DirectDraw Capabilities: overlay=0 yuvoverlay=0 can_deinterlace_overlay=0 colorkey=0 stretch=0 bltfourcc=0
vout_directx debug: End DirectXInitDDraw
vout_directx debug: DirectXCreateDisplay
vout_directx debug: DirectXCreateClipper
vout_directx debug: disabling screen saver
main debug: using video output module "vout_directx"
vout_directx debug: NewPictureVec overlay:yes chroma:YV12
vout_directx debug: End NewPictureVec (failed)
vout_directx debug: NewPictureVec overlay:yes chroma:YV12
vout_directx debug: End NewPictureVec (failed)
vout_directx debug: NewPictureVec overlay:yes chroma:YUY2
vout_directx debug: End NewPictureVec (failed)
vout_directx debug: NewPictureVec overlay:no chroma:YV12
vout_directx debug: created plain surface of chroma:RV16
vout_directx debug: End NewPictureVec (succeeded)
main debug: got 1 direct buffer(s)
main debug: picture in 720x576 (0,0,720x576), chroma I420, ar 4:3, sar 16:15
main debug: picture user 720x576 (0,0,720x576), chroma I420, ar 4:3, sar 16:15
main debug: picture out 720x576 (0,0,720x576), chroma RV16, ar 4:3, sar 16:15
main debug: looking for chroma module: 9 candidates
main debug: using chroma module "i420_rgb_mmx"
main debug: indirect render, mapping render pictures 0-7 to system pictures 1-8
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: thread 5624 (video output) created at priority 1 (video_output/video_output.c:421)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (605929)
main warning: synchro trashing I (-305949)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39956)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40011)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40622)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39289)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39811)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38933)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38967)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39733)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41156)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38933)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-37678)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41189)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38811)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40478)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40222)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39144)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-37556)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41744)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38156)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40522)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41467)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39222)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41356)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39733)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39033)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40223)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40111)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-36544)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39933)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41856)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38222)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40611)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38689)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38878)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39922)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41122)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39100)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-37923)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40522)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39122)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39356)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-42244)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38145)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38266)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40934)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38644)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40867)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40377)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-37012)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40233)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40478)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38955)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39922)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41845)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-36055)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40500)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40878)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39345)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40044)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38945)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39522)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40055)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40178)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39033)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40023)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39577)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38978)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40645)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40055)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39367)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38522)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40400)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39233)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39967)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40356)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38911)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38122)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41856)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38133)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40533)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41078)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-37311)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40622)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40334)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39189)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39800)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40277)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-37245)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40078)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-42000)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38500)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40088)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39178)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39345)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40589)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40022)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39233)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38956)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39977)
main debug: decoded 8/100 pictures
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39034)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40422)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41200)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38567)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39111)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40055)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39145)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40789)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40055)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38200)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39556)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40666)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39056)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (969)
main warning: buffer is 41206 late, triggering upsampling
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40422)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41134)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-36766)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40578)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40600)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39511)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39700)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39156)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38844)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40345)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40633)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39489)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38611)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41078)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38966)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40400)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41089)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38500)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38756)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41244)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38434)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41033)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39667)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39066)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39211)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41256)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39278)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40244)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40911)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-37145)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40389)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41211)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38800)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (4713)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39577)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39212)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39566)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (10992)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39656)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41433)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39067)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40422)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39300)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38411)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40433)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (12898)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41156)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38756)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38333)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40800)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39289)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39689)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41166)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39378)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39011)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40900)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38489)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40456)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40500)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38622)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39533)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40611)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39334)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40311)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40144)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39178)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40367)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40022)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39455)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40400)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38834)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (18710)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40278)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39188)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40523)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39722)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39355)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40589)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38923)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40611)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40033)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39189)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39433)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40322)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39612)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39633)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40400)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39944)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (2633)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38967)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40400)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38300)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40578)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40844)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-37822)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40889)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41945)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-37111)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (1337)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39822)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41067)
main debug: decoded 9/108 pictures
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40322)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40311)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41322)
main warning: resampling stopped after 3889686 usec (drift: -44456)
main warning: buffer is 44637 late, triggering upsampling
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38523)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40822)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39011)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (1139)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39567)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39655)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41078)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38578)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39666)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40256)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39055)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40112)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41244)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38700)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39589)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41055)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38000)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40645)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (15912)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40633)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38200)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (10520)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39745)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40711)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39133)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40456)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40355)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38534)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41122)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39822)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38989)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40444)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39578)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (32056)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (7656)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40033)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39700)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39989)
main warning: PTS is out of range (-1015), dropping buffer
main warning: late buffer for mux input (70770)
main warning: PTS is out of range (-29054), dropping buffer
main warning: late buffer for mux input (44856)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (19275)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39023)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40311)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (11751)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40955)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38656)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40333)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40978)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38822)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39011)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40989)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39422)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39234)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40922)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38644)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40345)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41289)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38211)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40644)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40989)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38245)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (13135)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39655)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41078)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (6277)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39822)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38667)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40500)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (37952)
main warning: PTS is out of range (-25727), dropping buffer
main warning: late buffer for mux input (11937)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38966)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (78454)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40523)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41244)
main warning: buffer is 58224 late, triggering upsampling
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38089)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40833)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39767)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38378)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40911)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (4959)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40822)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39000)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39356)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (20837)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40677)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39123)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40833)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40811)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38333)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39234)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41211)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38311)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40911)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40711)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38778)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (9202)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38744)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41045)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39244)
main warning: PTS is out of range (-38453), dropping buffer
main warning: late buffer for mux input (35180)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (9606)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39978)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40889)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38111)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (32051)
main warning: buffer is 42734 late, triggering upsampling
main warning: late buffer for mux input (7821)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40678)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40867)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39200)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39655)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40733)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39367)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39100)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41067)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (6868)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39000)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40666)
main warning: resampling stopped after 426068 usec (drift: -23081)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-43000)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38089)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40700)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (1878)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41000)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38389)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40589)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (11934)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-42911)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38956)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39600)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40889)
main debug: decoded 9/108 pictures
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39155)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41889)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41467)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38278)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40622)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40589)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38889)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-42044)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40767)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (9159)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39211)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39833)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40767)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40166)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41234)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40433)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38300)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41433)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38823)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38800)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40389)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (1445)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40788)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39156)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38800)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40944)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39467)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39578)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (6438)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41544)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-37534)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41244)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (13446)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40945)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38288)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40512)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39488)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39023)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40122)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40600)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39833)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39378)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40433)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (9478)
main warning: buffer is 42167 late, triggering upsampling
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39000)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40367)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40878)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38755)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39534)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (16798)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41300)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38555)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39900)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40267)
main warning: PTS is out of range (-38349), dropping buffer
main warning: late buffer for mux input (45235)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (19666)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40144)
main warning: output date isn't PTS date, requesting resampling (49876)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38545)
main warning: buffer is 66183 late, triggering upsampling
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41155)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39011)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40356)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41144)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38567)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-39622)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (1857)
main warning: late buffer for mux input (138)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-41211)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-38156)
main debug: removing all interfaces
main debug: thread times: real 1m9.498665s, kernel 0m0.000000s, user 0m0.015625s
main debug: thread 3896 joined (interface/interface.c:258)
main warning: vout synchro warning: pts != current_date (-40444)
-- logger module stopped --

If you guys come up with any ideas it would be much appreciated...



New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 09 Mar 2008 10:40

Re: Problem streaming Audio - Video working fine!

Postby dreamy » 09 Mar 2008 11:07

Hi GUys,

I have been struggling with this one for a few weeks now and I have read all (almost) the forums for a possible fix and nothign has worked yet..


Compaq Evo
P4 2.4ghz
2gb ram
60gb drive
Matrox g450 display
Creative Sound Blaster PCI
WinTv PVR 150

I finally got the video streaming to work but audio is not. I have found the channels by tunning into them and if I use the wintv application it all works fine. As soon as I try and use vlc it doesn't work.. Not even if I don't stream it.. I can only ever get video working.

Here is a log file:


If you guys come up with any ideas it would be much appreciated...


I've finally found THE solution to stream video with audio from the PVR 150 ! :P
Open WinTV2000, Select a low quality (I'm using WIFI, low bandwith; 24mb...)
example 1200 kb/s peak 1600kbps 12GOPS (resolution 720*576 of lower)
audio 44khz 160kbps.

save this profile. and let it record.

Open VLC,
Go to wizard
>Stream to network
>Select a stream => choose the file that is recording in WinTV.
> Press next > Streaming method => select HTTP and leave the field below blank.
Press next and let this file play...

Open VLC on another PC in the network. > file> open Network Stream > HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/MMS > url: [IP adres streaming PC]:8080
Press OK, You should now see the LiveStream...
Note; time to live can be long... But this seems to be the only possibility to stream from a PVR 150

I've been searching very long to stream it from VLC, but it simple just doesn't work, You need to record the file in WINTV and stream this file over the network... :)
Thanks to the Hardware encoder on the card, this method doesn't require a fast processor

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 40
Joined: 21 Jun 2009 04:43

Re: Problem streaming Audio - Video working fine!

Postby str3tmonk » 21 Jun 2009 04:52

I'm having the same problem. But what happens when the file that WinTV is recording to reaches a maximum? Is it setup to be perpetually recording within a specified limit?

I'll try this in a sec btw, never thought of it. Thanks!

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 2
Joined: 22 Jun 2009 15:55

Re: Problem streaming Audio - Video working fine!

Postby prescott86 » 23 Jun 2009 13:19

can it live stream directly using VLC without recording in WinTV?

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