Streaming - files and functions from libvlc

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Streaming - files and functions from libvlc

Postby juandiegor » 31 Oct 2007 04:11

Hi all,
Me and two friends of mine are going to build a project that streams audio and video over a multicast network. We started using Java Media Framework, but after running some tests and discussing with a teacher of us, he suggested that we should use the libraries of VLC (which offer better performance because they're implemented in C and C++) and invoke them from Java using JNI and a .dll (or a .so). So we started digging in the source files of VLC, - libvlc and some modules but due to the fact that the files are pretty big and that we don't know a lot about C and C++ (basic skills), it became a tedious task.
Having said that, does anyone know the specific functions from the source files of VLC that we should look for, in order to stream audio and video?.

We appreciate your help.

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