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[Streaming] intercative DVD

Posted: 03 Sep 2007 10:52
by cmercier

I try to stream interactive video. I mean this video require that users who see this stream have to click with mouse on some region of the screen to access to next choosen activity/subvideo.

Without streaming, locally, it works well. I stream passive video with success too. But as soon I try to diffuse this interactive video, all that i can do is to read all little video in sequence.

is there someone can help me ?



Re: [Streaming] intercative DVD

Posted: 04 Sep 2007 12:52
by Teetrinker
You could create a interactive MP4 file and streams this with Darwin Streaming Server. But for playback you will need a MPEG-4 Systems player like Osmo4 from GPAC. For further information/help look here:

An other alternative is propably Flash.

Re: [Streaming] intercative DVD

Posted: 04 Sep 2007 15:34
by cmercier
Thanks for information. I'll go to see this site. But i don't need no more to solve this problem : I choose the forwardX11 solution on linux to see remotly my DVD.

Thank a lot,
