Since Monday I've been trying to get something working (and beating the search feature). I have a MPEG2 stream captured with specific ISO-13818 compliant data which I need my multicast clients to receive, unchanged.
I setup VLC GUI for UDP stream, the clients see the video, however, I notice that VLC always forces re-muxing the data, which changes the content of the stream to something I do not want. I need ES, TS, PS, PMT, PAT, SDT, etc. (basically all data) to remain intact from input to output.
Is it possible to only have VLC output RAW packets from an MPEG2 stream, so that no important PIDs and other data are lost/mangled/changed? I cannot seem to make it work, and after 5 days, I finally give up and ask for help. Any help or suggestions are appreciated. Here is a log that shows the re-muxing to create new PAT, PMT and other data which is driving me crazy!
(If someone can find a post about this, please tell me, I find nothing)
Code: Select all
main debug: adding playlist item `/streams/1-Test-Stream.ts' ( /streams/1-Test-Stream.ts )
main debug: creating new input thread
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: stream=`duplicate'
main debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate
stream_out_duplicate debug: creating 'duplicate'
stream_out_duplicate debug: * adding `std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=}'
main debug: stream=`std'
main debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate
main debug: thread 1140881728 (input) created at priority 0 (input/input.c:265)
main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-access to udp
main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-mux to ts
main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-dst to
stream_out_standard debug: creating `udp/ts://'
stream_out_standard debug: extension is 5:1234
stream_out_standard debug: extension -> mux=(null)
stream_out_standard debug: using `udp/ts://'
main debug: looking for sout access module: 1 candidate
main debug: net: connecting to port 1234
main debug: thread 1132489024 (sout write thread) created at priority 0 (udp.c:268)
access_output_udp debug: udp access output opened(
main debug: using sout access module "access_output_udp"
stream_out_standard debug: access opened
main debug: looking for sout mux module: 1 candidate
mux_ts debug: shaping=200000 pcr=70000 dts_delay=400000
main debug: using sout mux module "mux_ts"
main debug: muxer support adding stream at any time
stream_out_standard debug: mux opened
main debug: using sout stream module "stream_out_standard"
main debug: using sout stream module "stream_out_duplicate"
main debug: `/streams/1-Test-Stream.ts' gives access `' demux `' path `/streams/1-Test-Stream.ts'
main debug: creating demux: access='' demux='' path='/streams/1-Test-Stream.ts'
main debug: looking for access_demux module: 2 candidates
main debug: creating access '' path='/streams/1-Test-Stream.ts'
main debug: looking for access2 module: 5 candidates
vcd debug: trying .cue file: /streams/1-Test-Stream.cue
vcd debug: could not find .cue file
access_file debug: opening file `/streams/1-Test-Stream.ts'
main debug: using access2 module "access_file"
main debug: pre-buffering...
main debug: received first data for our buffer
main debug: pre-buffering done 1408981 bytes in 0s - 206383 kbytes/s
main debug: creating demux: access='' demux='' path='/streams/1-Test-Stream.ts'
main debug: looking for demux2 module: 45 candidates
main debug: using demux2 module "ts"
main debug: looking for a subtitle file in /streams/
ts debug: DEMUX_SET_GROUP 0 (nil)
main debug: starting in sync mode
main debug: `/streams/1-Test-Stream.ts' successfully opened
ts debug: pid[4368] unknown
ts debug: pid[4370] unknown
ts debug: pid[4438] unknown
ts debug: pid[4436] unknown
ts debug: pid[4422] unknown
ts debug: pid[4420] unknown
ts debug: pid[4406] unknown
ts debug: pid[4404] unknown
ts debug: pid[4390] unknown
ts debug: pid[4388] unknown
ts debug: pid[1] unknown
ts debug: pid[1278] unknown
ts debug: PATCallBack called
ts debug: new PAT ts_id=1 version=1 current_next=1
ts debug: * number=11 pid=1278
ts debug: PSINewTableCallBack: table 0x42(66) ext=0x1(1)
ts debug: SDTCallBack called
ts debug: new SDT ts_id=1 version=3 current_next=1 network_id=49
ts debug: * service id=11 eit schedule=1 present=1 running=4 free_ca=0
ts debug: - type=1 provider=nagra name=11 CLR
main debug: EsOutProgramMeta: number=11
main debug: - Name = 11 CLR
main debug: - Provider = nagra
main debug: - Type = Digital television service
main debug: - Status = Running
main debug: Trying to add meta for non-existing program
ts debug: * service id=36000 eit schedule=0 present=0 running=1 free_ca=0
main debug: EsOutProgramMeta: number=36000
main debug: - Status = Not running
ts debug: PMTCallBack called
ts debug: new PMT program number=11 version=1 pid_pcr=4368
ts debug: * es pid=4368 type=2 fcc=mpgv
main debug: selecting program id=11
main debug: looking for packetizer module: 17 candidates
main debug: using packetizer module "packetizer_mpegvideo"
main debug: stream out mode -> no decoder thread
ts debug: * es pid=4370 type=4 fcc=mpga
main debug: looking for packetizer module: 17 candidates
main debug: using packetizer module "mpeg_audio"
main debug: stream out mode -> no decoder thread
ts warning: first packet for pid=4368 cc=0xc
ts warning: first packet for pid=4370 cc=0x1
ts debug: PSINewTableCallBack: table 0x51(81) ext=0xb(11)
packetizer_mpegvideo debug: waiting for sequence start
mpeg_audio debug: MPGA channels:2 samplerate:48000 bitrate:320
main debug: adding a new input
stream_out_duplicate debug: duplicated a new stream codec=mpga (es=4370 group=11)
main debug: adding a new input
mux_ts debug: adding input codec=mpga pid=68
mux_ts debug: new PCR PID is 68
stream_out_duplicate debug: - added for output 0
packetizer_mpegvideo debug: waiting for sequence start
packetizer_mpegvideo debug: size 704x576 fps=25.000
main debug: adding a new input
stream_out_duplicate debug: duplicated a new stream codec=mpgv (es=4368 group=11)
main debug: adding a new input
mux_ts debug: adding input codec=mpgv pid=69
mux_ts debug: new PCR PID is 69
stream_out_duplicate debug: - added for output 0
ts debug: pid[16] unknown
ts debug: PSINewTableCallBack: table 0x4e(78) ext=0xb(11)
mux_ts debug: adjusting rate at -481245/239989 (8/846)
ts debug: pid[20] unknown
access_output_udp debug: mmh, packets in the past (476137)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (470721)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (464766)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (458809)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (452852)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (446896)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (440941)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (434984)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (429028)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (423069)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (417118)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (411158)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (405196)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (399235)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (393275)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (387314)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (381354)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (375397)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (369436)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (363477)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (357517)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (351560)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (345600)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (339639)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (333685)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (327724)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (321764)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (315803)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (309844)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (303883)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (297925)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (291966)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (286006)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (280046)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (274086)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (268125)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (262165)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (256205)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (250244)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (244289)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (238329)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (232368)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (226407)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (220448)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (214487)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (208528)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (202646)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (196686)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (190726)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (184766)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (178806)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (172846)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (166886)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (160925)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (154965)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (149005)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (143045)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (137085)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (131124)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (125163)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (119204)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (113242)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (107303)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (101344)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (95382)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (89422)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (83462)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (77502)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (71541)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (65581)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (59620)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (53659)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (47699)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (41738)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (35777)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (29818)
access_output_udp debug: packet has been sent too late (23862)
ts debug: EITCallBack called
ts debug: new EIT service_id=11 version=9 current_next=1 ts_id=1 network_id=49 segment_last_section_number=1 last_table_id=78
ts debug: * event id=14704 start_time:mjd=53311 17:00:00 duration=01:00:00 running=0 free_ca=0
ts debug: - short event lang=spa 'Untitled 36' : ''
ts debug: * event id=14705 start_time:mjd=53311 18:00:00 duration=01:00:00 running=0 free_ca=0
ts debug: - short event lang=spa 'Untitled 37' : ''
main debug: EsOutProgramMeta: number=11
main debug: - Event 14704 = 17:00:00: Untitled 36 (+01:00:00) ()
main debug: - Event 14705 = 18:00:00: Untitled 37 (+01:00:00) ()
main debug: - Now Playing =
ts debug: PSINewTableCallBack: table 0x50(80) ext=0xb(11)
ts debug: pid[117] unknown