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Real RTSP over TCP

Posted: 11 Jan 2007 09:12
by neol84
I have a question about RTSP output streaming.
Is it possible to stream over TCP in stead of UDP because i want to setup a small stream server but all the data gets blocked by the clients firewall.

I tried the 8.6.a version the --rtsp-tcp option but this only seem to have affect on the input stream (which is also rtsp from an axis 207).

Does anybody know how to get this to work?

Posted: 12 Jan 2007 10:07
by Teetrinker
As far as I know rtp over rtsp(tcp) is only supported at client side (not at server side) by vlc.


Posted: 25 Jan 2007 09:45
by wser
within a LAN its possible to stream via rtsp. The Problems arrives when your client is behind a Router (NAT - Network Adress Translation) which is the most save way to access to the WAN (Wide Area Network - Internet or also VPN - Virtual Private Network)

You can cofigure youre firwall to be able not to drop rtsp when its accessing the server (Producer) by opening specific services. The Problem is that rtsp is a young technolgie and most of routers and firewall don`t support rtsp. If so possible the client needs a public internet adress from the ISP to avoid NAT.

Be patient, it will be supported in newer router models by the industries soon, hopefully

P.s. rtsp is the most usefull format to stream via mobile phone services

streaming to mobile phone

Posted: 09 Mar 2007 06:56
by pyro2006i
i am facing a similar problem, in fact the IP address of the encoder is given by the mobile network and they say explicitly that direct streaming is barred for security. However the admin said it is possible to setup a relay server over sockets to another internet PC and then that PC of course can stream out - does anyone know how to setup in VLC ?

thanks a lot