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Posted: 11 Jan 2007 03:01
by geo
I'm using VLC 0.8.6a on MacOS to do multicast UDP broadcasting with SAP.

However, the TTL on all SAP packets is 255, no matter what value I set on the command line -ttl value.

I also don't see any change in this high TTL when adding supposedly outdated switches,

--sout-udp-ttl 2 --sout-rtp-ttl 2 --sout-standard-sap=1

I'm using VLM to setup the stream

new ABCAP broadcast enabled
setup ABCAP input "udp://@"
setup ABCAP output
#std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=,sap,group="TEST UCTV International",name="Australia Network",ttl=2}
control ABCAP play

I've tried with and without a ttl value in the VLM output, and all combinations.

So could someone confirm that --ttl=n is the correct way to specifiy the TTL of the outgoing stream, and SAP announce. Whether it should be specified on the command line, or in the VLM channel spec.

As I can't seem to change it from 255 no matter what I do, could someone confirm this behavior.

SAP is broadcast on and can be seen using ethereal.

