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Adaptive transrating

Posted: 27 Sep 2006 08:53
by Clark

is it possible to change codecs parameters (i.e. bitrate) without restarting a new session? In my case I need to modify bitrate on-the-fly during the transcoding/transrating & streaming session.


Posted: 28 Sep 2006 22:07
by dionoea
No, that's not possible yet. Changes to the source code to allow that would of course be welcomed.

Re: Adaptive transrating

Posted: 13 Oct 2007 13:09
by vl_
Has anything been done about adaptive transrating since that last post about it? I am specifically interested in transrating for
H264 streams...
Does this term refer ro reducing bitrate for already encoded stream, or for the rate of realtime encoding? E.g. if stream from H264 file and have to reduce bitrate / bandwidth of the stream, are there known methods to do that without "transcoding" ( as decoding of frames and re- encoding with lower bitrate, real time)?
Thank you,

Re: Adaptive transrating

Posted: 22 Nov 2007 16:04
by evgenyk

Yes, it is possible to change video encoder bitrate without restarting a new streaming session!
For example, I’ve changed output bitrate from 16 kbitps to 3000kbitps and vice versa using VLC 0.8.6c, GUI (e.g. DV camera, full D1, video encoder=x264, constant GOP (IPPP) = 15) when VLC responds immediately (i.e. adjusts video presentation quality with ~0.5-1sec latency).

However, in my case I need to modify video encoder bitrate using command line parameters.
I think it is possible too. Please help!

Thanks for advance!

Re: Adaptive transrating

Posted: 29 Feb 2008 23:25
by nehjain
Hi evgenyk
Could you please tell the details of how you managed to change the bitrate during the current session , as you have mentioned in your last post .

Thanks in advance

Re: Adaptive transrating

Posted: 01 Mar 2008 12:07
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
This is not supported.

Re: Adaptive transrating

Posted: 20 Apr 2008 20:12
by grobelny
This is not supported.
What do you mean by "not supported"? That it is not "officially" suported or that it is impossible? And if it is impossible at the moment would it be hard to add (assuming I know C++ but not necesarily VLC source code)?