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can we use webcam?

Posted: 20 Mar 2004 06:52
by vishak
Can we use web cam and micro phone in videoLAN so that i can telecast a live video from one room to another. if possible, would you tell me how it can be possible?

Posted: 20 Mar 2004 10:40
by Gibalou
I'd rather advise using a video-conferencing software like gnomemeeting or netmeeting, etc...

can we use webcam?

Posted: 20 Mar 2004 16:14
by vishak1
I'd rather advise using a video-conferencing software like gnomemeeting or netmeeting, etc...
dear sir,

First of all, thank you for your suggestion.

now we are going through a project. the topic is a "virtual classroom" ,in which the "teacher's" image (captured through webcam ) is sent to other machines.

when i heard about video lan , we were seeking whether we can implement the same idea in our project. that is why we posted such a question.

We are doing project in linux and use C language. now we need to know how can we capture image using webcam.

If you have any valuable suggection, please do come to help us.

waiting reply,
vishak, student

Posted: 22 Mar 2004 02:14
by tiantao
hi friend,
Glad to meet you. I am a student too, and now doing a "vitual classroom" project.
May be we can communicate some idea of it:)