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Syntax error in .ts container
Posted: 30 Jun 2019 08:03
by Mr.Shtein
Good afternoon, tell me please I saved a small piece of video using a VLC player, and I can't read it. Because I have an error section_syntax_indicator = 0b0 in the analyzer. Reserved bits in PAT = 0b01, although they must be 0b00 But it cannot be so by specification and I cannot continue further.
Re: Syntax error in .ts container
Posted: 02 Jul 2019 09:28
by InTheWings
section syntax indicator
must be 0
2.1.64 reserved: The term "reserved", when used in the clauses defining the coded bit stream, indicates that the value
may be used in the future for ISO defined extensions. Unless otherwise specified within this Recommendation |
International Standard, all reserved bits shall be set to '1'.
table id 0
-> 0xB0
I don't see where you have B1. Bytes clearly shows:
00 00 B0 0D
Posted: 02 Jul 2019 17:58
by Mr.Shtein
adaptation_field ends on the last byte of FF, then there are 2 bytes with the value of HEX 00 00, so it turns out that table_id == HEX 00, and what do the next HEX 00 ??
Posted: 02 Jul 2019 19:11
by Mr.Shtein
maybe attach a file that I'm parsing, only 250 ms.
Posted: 03 Jul 2019 09:59
by InTheWings
adaptation_field ends on the last byte of FF, then there are 2 bytes with the value of HEX 00 00, so it turns out that table_id == HEX 00, and what do the next HEX 00 ??
There's no second 00.
The first 00 is pointer field.
pointer_field – This is an 8-bit field whose value shall be the number of bytes, immediately following the pointer_field
until the first byte of the first section that is present in the payload of the transport stream packet (so a value of 0x00 in
the pointer_field indicates that the section starts immediately after the pointer_field). When at least one section begins in
a given transport stream packet, then the payload_unit_start_indicator (refer to shall be set to '1' and the first byte
of the payload of that transport stream packet shall contain the pointer. When no section begins in a given transport stream
packet, then the payload_unit_start_indicator shall be set to '0' and no pointer shall be sent in the payload of that packet.
Re: Syntax error in .ts container
Posted: 03 Jul 2019 14:46
by Mr.Shtein
When the payload of the transport stream packet contains transport stream section data, the payload_unit_start_indicator has the following significance: if the transport stream packet carries the first byte of a section, the payload_unit_start_indicator value shall be '1', indicating that the first byte of the payload of this transport stream packet carries the pointer_field. If the transport stream packet does not carry the first byte of a section, the payload_unit_start_indicator value shall be '0', indicating that there is no pointer_field in the payload. Refer to and This also applies to private streams of stream_type 5 (refer to Table 2-34).
In this case, the first byte of the payload is not A6?
Posted: 03 Jul 2019 14:50
by Mr.Shtein
I'm sorry, but I really don't understand
Re: Syntax error in .ts container
Posted: 03 Jul 2019 18:13
by InTheWings
First byte of payload is Byte 172: 00 B0 0D
Posted: 04 Jul 2019 06:51
by Mr.Shtein
Thank you very much, now I get it.