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how to disable all caching

Posted: 01 Apr 2019 10:13
by lazna
Using VLC for live camera restreaming, which generating some unwanted stream delay. Want to disable ANY possible 'delay generate' caching, prefer to by as close to realtime watching as possible.

After some research, discovery that there are few arguments containing word 'caching' (e.g. sout-mux-caching, network-caching, rtsp-caching, live-caching, etc..), some of them are used as a console parameter (affect whole program?), some of them are used in SOUT string (affect only specific stream?). Already checked few combinations, but did not made any observated difference on final stream delay for me. Could someone point me to vlc caching documentation page or provide an explanation how this is working in general? thanks

Re: how to disable all caching

Posted: 01 Apr 2019 11:43
by unidan
Hi, on vlc 4 (which is not released yet), you have the --low-delay option.

For options in modules, if it's an access/demux, it's the input, if it's a sout module or is prefixed by sout-, it's in the output.

For caching: ... 46#p489246 maybe look at prefetch options ?

Re: how to disable all caching

Posted: 07 May 2019 23:33
by oviano
I’m curious about this too.

I can’t get libvlc to internally buffer less than about 2-3s of a TS using the imem access input, even with all stream filter cache plugins removed.

Re: how to disable all caching

Posted: 09 May 2019 11:22
by unidan
Hi, did you try --network-caching=0 ? Having done that, it works relatively well.
You might also need --no-ts-trust-pcr depending on your configuration.

As a warning: it removes caching, not all caching, but you won't be protected against underflow and it might create glitches if your network is not reliable.