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canvas vfilter vs x264 crf performances

Posted: 13 Apr 2018 12:18
by StCyr

I'm live streaming a 1080p media (that's, I'm screencasting my desktop) and transcoding it for less-powerfull devices on wifi (like a sasmung S4 mini smartphone for example).

Here's my current stream output definition:

Code: Select all

For performances reasons, I'm wondering if it could be better to remove the downscaling performed by the canvas vfilter and instead just lowering the h264 ouptput quality by increasing the --crf setting. Something like this:

Code: Select all

According to it seems that it is not a good idea, and that performing downscaling before encoding is better performance-wise.

What do you think in general about this idea of just lowering the CRF quality?

Am I right in believing that downscaling before encoding is better (performance-wise) than simply lowering the CRF quality?

Do the conclusions in also hold true for the x264 encoder?

Thanks for the help.


Re: canvas vfilter vs x264 crf performances

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 21:13
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
It depends mostly about your bandwidth availability, to be honest. But a S4 should be able to have 720p without any issue.