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Cannot access dshow stream on localhost

Posted: 08 Mar 2018 08:59
by 00000100
I've been googling this for about 6 hours now to no avail, hopefully someone here can help me out.
I run a stream on and was doing some testing today to stream board games. I use OBS to connect to twitch, but I haven't even gotten that far yet. My use case is as follows:
My streaming computer with a strong CPU is not close enough to the room where I have space to play board games, and my room where my computer is is too small to play board games. My workaround is to use a laptop and stream my webcam using dshow over my local network, receive the stream with my powerful computer via VLC, then add VLC as a source in OBS to stream it to my viewers. (That last part works using dshow locally when not streaming in VLC, so I have no issues with OBS - only VLC at this point.)

I have tested using dshow with the webcam (Logitech C920, drivers up-to-date) on both computers, and it works flawlessly. However, when I try to stream, I have been unable to get it to work even on localhost! I am using Windows 7 64-bit. VLC version 3.0.1 Vetinari.

My steps:
1) Media > stream > capture device, show more options
2) either manually enter devices and video size, etc. or just copy+paste the following (varying resolutions, framerates, aspect ratios make no difference in my tests)

:dshow-vdev=Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920 :dshow-adev=none :dshow-size=1920x1080 :live-caching=300 :dshow-fps=30 :dshow-aspect-ratio=16\:9

3) click "stream" > "next"
4) Select "HTTP" from destination dropdown, tick "display locally" for testing purposes (have tried without to no avail), click "add"
-tested with port 8080 and 12345 (this computer is not broadcasting on either port AFAIK).
path: /test.mpg (have tested with /test, /test.flv, / - I think this may be where the issue is coming in? Wrong container type or something?)
5) click next, uncheck transcoding (again, just want the dang thing to work before I worry about quality)
6) click next, click stream
webcam stream shows up flawlessly on this instance of VLC. Hi, me! :wave:
With the messages log set to 0 (errors), I only get the following:

main error: cannot add this stream.

7) new instance of VLC, open messages, error logging
8) Media > open network stream >
error log:

access error: HTTP 404 error
access error: error: HTTP/1.0 404 client error

Now this is where I have diverged. Step 3 is where I think I'm going astray. I was originally not using any path, as I assumed it didn't matter, but I stumbled upon some forum posting while searching that suggested using a filetype there, and they suggested test.mpg. When I leave the path blank, or use /test (without the filetype) the following errors appear when hosting the stream:

main error: cannot add this stream
direct3d11 error: Could not Create the D3D11 device. (hr=0x80004001)
direct3d11 error: Direct3D11 could not be opened
direct3d11 error: SetThumbNailClip failed: 0x800706f4

Interestingly, the same errors appear on the client instance - that is, the instance of VLC trying to receive the stream - as when I used /test.mpg.

I have also heard that VLC's GUI defaults to the flv container even if you type something else, and that this can cause errors, but I get the same issue when using the command line. Full logs (verbosity=2) can be supplied if needed, but I couldn't find a way to post them and have them be legible without being a massive wall-of-text.

Can anyone help me? :(

P.S.: the links in the READ BEFORE POSTING topic are outdated, led to some 404's about formatting and what information to include. Not relevant to this post other than that I wasn't sure if I followed all the guidelines to the letter as I couldn't access them. So it goes.

Re: Cannot access dshow stream on localhost

Posted: 26 Jun 2018 21:18
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
You need to give more logs, debug ones too.