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MKV(embedded subs) to mp4(hardcoded subs)

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 04:13
by mrkeikun
Hi I've tried multiple times to use stream and convert features of vlc. However every time process is completed, I try to watch the videos and notice the same problem all over again. I'm trying to convert mkv file with embedded subtitle on it to mp4 file with hardcoded subtitles overlayed on it. What am I doing wrong? Im using VLC 2.2.6 Umbrella and Windows 10 x64 system.

Re: MKV(embedded subs) to mp4(hardcoded subs)

Posted: 19 Jul 2017 09:17
by Lotesdelere
It's not easy to do with VLC.
It might be easier to use a dedicated editor tool such as AviDemux.