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Streaming multiple audio tracks with ES mod - Possible bug

Posted: 11 Nov 2005 19:03
by EFO

Using the ES module, I am trying to stream a movie with the video (DivX) part on one unicast address and the multiple audio tracks (3 x MP3) on a different one. Here is the command I use.
vlc movie --sout #es{access=udp,mux=ts,dst-audio=, dst-video=} --sout-all
Unfortunately, all audio tracks get mixed before being streamed. The VLC player reading the streams only displays one track in the Audio menu and you can hear all tracks mixed. I looked at the TS tables and the stream itself with the TSReaderLite tool which confirms to me that only one TS audio stream is available with the bitrate of 3 * 128kbps mp3 audio tracks. I reset the preferences settings in case and got the same problem.

When I use the STD module, it works fine, the 3 audio tracks get streamed separatly as expected. The problem with STD is that I can't send the video or audio to separate addresses as I want to do. I could use Duplicate but I would loose synchro between video and audio.

I have unfortunately not found any info about this problem in the Streaming Forum or in the Trac System. Perhaps the problem is not VLC but me not using it properly so if anyone knows anything about this I would be grateful to hear about it.

Running VLC 0.8.2 on Windows 2000 and XP
Computer: Many (including a Dell Optiplex GX270 Celeron 2.6Hz, 512M RAM)
Movie: Tried different movies (DivX5, MPEG-2 with 3 mp3 audio tracks)
