audio and video combinations for live streaming

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 11
Joined: 06 Nov 2005 13:22

audio and video combinations for live streaming

Postby sean_malice » 07 Nov 2005 00:08

Vorbis features are well documented here

However, i couldn't find any reference table as to which audio and video codecs combinations are possible.
For exemple, is h.264 with Vorbis audio possible ? If so, which container ?

Also, what are the color spaces suported and which are the ones that comsume the less CPU power ? (YV12 gives me blueish results in Pal, had to switch to RGB24).

I believe i heard on the forum that it was possible to use a DVB card under Windows XP. I thought that function wasn't implemented in the windo<s version. Can you elaborate ?
A few years ago, i heard there was a Siemens drivers floating around for that card ,that alowed support in programs such as Real or Windows media encoder. Anyone heard of it ? Does it have any interest for VLC ?

Finally, is there any plan for AAC+, or a possibilty to modify VLC to use the Winamp encoder dll ?

Thank you

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