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VLC syntax to transcode and stream to stdout?

Posted: 06 Oct 2016 19:11
by WillTower
I am trying to transcode and stream a local video to stdout and play it back in an Adobe AIR/Flex app on the same machine. My purpose in this is to expand the video capabilities of my app beyond what Adobe AIR currently supports.

I have an extensive write up and example code on StackOverflow: ... -to-stdout

The gist is that I CAN stream to a local file and a valid .flv file is created. However when I stream to stdout, I get data coming into my app but it is not rendering as video for some reason, perhaps because the correct metaData header isn't being sent (but this metaData does get written to an .flv). This technique of reading byte data from stdout is a valid Adobe AIR technique and I am able to stream from ffmpeg into my app.

These are the commands I am using (and I have tried many variations):

Code: Select all

-I rc // remote control interface -vvv // verbose debuging --sout // transcode, stream to stdout "#transcode{vcodec=FLV1}:std{access=file,mux=ffmpeg{mux=flv},dst=-}"
Is there something obvious I am missing?

I don't want to clutter this question with too much detail so see my StackOverflow question or ask if you need more detail.
I am really stuck on this so any help would be much appreciated!