get video stream the UTC time(presentation time,pts) of every frame
Posted: 11 Sep 2015 10:20
I have Requirement:
Get the UTC time of every video frame and print it to screen with video.
I just check the Document of Libvlc, Maybe It Does not explicitly export the API for getting UTC of every frame. anyway, I cannot find any information about this. so , I just search the issue on stackoverflow and find out that ... encv-mat-c ... ay-a-frame ,
video-postrender-callback function just passed the presentation time into int64_t pts I saw from above two question on stackoverflow. this paramter pts present what? It is UTC? Can I implement my requirement in this way? Because the live555(libvlc just called this) just do not care about RTP timestamp ,NTP timestamp things like that( ... 12207.html). I just looked testRTSPClient(this is official Demo on live555)code, and found out that the presentation time is just UTC.
Get the UTC time of every video frame and print it to screen with video.
I just check the Document of Libvlc, Maybe It Does not explicitly export the API for getting UTC of every frame. anyway, I cannot find any information about this. so , I just search the issue on stackoverflow and find out that ... encv-mat-c ... ay-a-frame ,
video-postrender-callback function just passed the presentation time into int64_t pts I saw from above two question on stackoverflow. this paramter pts present what? It is UTC? Can I implement my requirement in this way? Because the live555(libvlc just called this) just do not care about RTP timestamp ,NTP timestamp things like that( ... 12207.html). I just looked testRTSPClient(this is official Demo on live555)code, and found out that the presentation time is just UTC.