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streaming documentation for GUI?

Posted: 08 Jul 2015 02:39
by justinh
Is there any detailed documentation on the different streaming options using the GUI? Each protocol has different inputs and some of them are not clear about what to input and how to configure the user's media player. Sometimes the output is kinda strange, .e.g., ... rtp{sdp=rtsp://:8554/test ... <-- is that a bug (malformed URI?) or how do you use it?

HTTP and file just work, but the others don't seem to be so straight forward.


Re: streaming documentation for GUI?

Posted: 13 Jul 2015 00:53
by justinh
Just for the record, and for anyone else trying to figure out this part of VLC... My statement about HTTP 'just working' is a little misleading. You do have to give an input that the UI gives no clue about.

For HTTP stream to work, you have to supply a file name of the file type being streamed. For example, for streaming an MP3 file, you'd use for path something like

Code: Select all

. Then, to listen to the stream on another computer, you'd browse to

Code: Select all

http://<VLC stream computer name or IP address>:8080/myaudiofile.mp3
. This assumes you use the default port number.


Re: streaming documentation for GUI?

Posted: 13 Jul 2015 09:42
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
There is some documentation in the built-in CLI help (or equivalently, the preferences). Otherwise, there is the rather outdated streaming howto.