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Streaming MPEG2-TS with Video + KLV elementary stream

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 14:26
by LawfulEvil
I have some saved TS files that I need to stream(multicast). The files are MPEG-2 TS with an H264 video stream and another elementary stream of metadata (KLV/etc). I would like to use VLC to pick up the file and stream it (using UDP).

I see the video come through on the far side, but no metadata. I'm not having VLC do any manipulation/transcoding of the data, so I hoped it would simply pass through the stream of metadata. My metadata is in one of two forms, either MISB UAS standard 0601.3 format or MISB Predator UAS standard 0104.5

vlc.exe 12345.ts :sout=#duplicate{dst=udp{mux=ts,dst=},dst=display} :sout-all :sout-keep

I found several posts from 4-5 years ago where they said that VLC didn't do this. My hope was that with more and more PTZ cameras coming on the market, each with embedded KLV data, that VLC had been updated to allow this (or at least pass through the data). eg: ... 06#p220488 ... eg#p280084

Re: Streaming MPEG2-TS with Video + KLV elementary stream

Posted: 22 Apr 2014 14:05
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
This is still the case. KLV is not supported.

Re: Streaming MPEG2-TS with Video + KLV elementary stream

Posted: 12 Jun 2014 09:32
by Pumar
Isn't there any way? Some workaround maybe? I need only to pass through data with vlc (vlm) nothing else..

Re: Streaming MPEG2-TS with Video + KLV elementary stream

Posted: 12 Jun 2014 17:16
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont