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streaming USB webcam

Posted: 17 Aug 2005 01:57
by robm
I have successfully streamed both Mpeg files and a DVD using VLC 0.8.2 and straight UDP. I am now trying to stream a USB webcam. If I use the wizard the log on the receiving VLC machine reports garbage at input. If I use the command line I get a local display but nothing is sent to the network.
Any suggestions guys?

Posted: 30 Aug 2005 14:20
by guest112
have you set the videocodec to mp4v (settings of streamoutput)?

streaming usb webcam

Posted: 06 Sep 2005 06:57
by robm
I have solved my problem. A novice faced with many options

stil can't stream my webcam use usb.?

Posted: 11 Sep 2005 05:56
by tama
please tell me how-to my webcam (use usb) to the another pc..?

please tell me step-by-step ....still newbie..:D

note : i've tried ur suggestion...but still can't stream..?


Re: streaming usb webcam

Posted: 19 Sep 2005 04:01
by pile
I have solved my problem. A novice faced with many options
In my vlc, I can not find input device of USB camera in the open panel.
Please tell me how to make my vlc input the stream from my USB cam, thanks very much!

Really need your help !!


Re: streaming usb webcam

Posted: 20 Sep 2005 15:14
by help me!
please can you tell me how you solve your problem about webcam?I'm in the same situation....

streaming usb webcam

Posted: 20 Sep 2005 15:17
by marika82_A
please can tell me step by step how you solve the problem of webcam?
Thanks in advance

Posted: 20 Sep 2005 18:35
by johnnylq
HI to all........
I have read that post; but I don't know what's the problem; I have a USB webcam, my SO is linux suse 9.3, and it works very well with my webcam and VLC.... I can stream, of course you have to install the modules to manage your webcam like V4L and compile some package with this option like ffmpeg (--enable-v4l)....all works very well....

ps .....sorry form my english

To all -how to use webcam with vlc

Posted: 21 Sep 2005 04:33
by pile
I solved the problem last week. If u can not find Capture divice in your VLC, u should recompile your vlc.

./configure --enable-v4l --enable-wxwindows

r u ok ?


Posted: 21 Sep 2005 10:04
by marika82_A
Thanks now I succeded to capture device after compiling vlc.
Now I have a new do I to send this webcam stream to a client?can you explain me this step by step?

Posted: 26 Sep 2005 11:49
by Lorena
The only thing you have to do is open a capture dispositive, selec ur cam and then tick output stream and click options... then you only have to select the UDP/RTP option and write the ip of you r "client" PC.
In the clent: select stream input and activate th UDP option.

I only have problems when I try the same with a PDA as client ... I think is a format problem. Any suggestion?

Posted: 26 Sep 2005 15:32
by marika82_A
Hello ,
I'm tring to do this but the receiver hosts don't receive anything.
VLC gives me many errors such as " cannot create packetizer output,decoder error...".
Can you suggest me some solution?
Does VlC need of some specific libraries?
In local I can see the webcam stream,I don't know how solve this problem!
Please help me!

Posted: 03 Oct 2005 13:32
by marika82_A
I solved the problem of streaming webcam.
I've installed the last version of VLC and it works.