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Stream on adobe flash media server with VLC

Posted: 16 May 2013 11:11
by morpheus-89
Hi to all,
I've a problem, I want stream a video on a website which usa a player based in flash.
The file video that I want stream is on a computer, that I want use VLC to send the stream to an Adobe Flash Media Server.
How I have to configurare VLC to send the video to Adobe Flash Media Server? The person that manages the Flash Media Server tell me that I've to use rtmp protocol.
All computers running on Windows

This is the scheme of what I want to do

PC(VLC)----->SERVER(Adobe Flash Media Server)--------->WEB SITE <--------User 1
^--------User 2
| .
| .
| .
^ ------User N

Someone can help me?


P.S. Sorry for bad Englis