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Encrypted Ts file Stream

Posted: 22 Apr 2013 16:24
by atillaca
Hello everyone,

I'm trying to stream encrypted TS file via VLC. But I couldn't be successfull yet. My Ts file originally Encrypted and recorded from DVB-T network.
I have already try all settings on gui. I thing problem is coming from decryption and re-encryption method (demux-remux) of VLC streaming.
Is it possible to deactive demuxing? All I need is raw streaming to the udp target without any change or any decryption.

Could you please help me about that subject?

Any answer will be helpfull for newbie on VLC like me. :D

System Windows 7 64 bit
TS File Contains 7 channels CA encrypted via broadcaster.

Thank you

Re: Encrypted Ts file Stream

Posted: 22 Apr 2013 18:31
by mundu
I don't know if it works but there's a RAW udp option available.

standard{access=udp,mux=raw...} Source: ... num_hist=4

You have other options like live555, multicat, ffmpeg.

Re: Encrypted Ts file Stream

Posted: 22 Apr 2013 18:50
by Rémi Denis-Courmont
VLC needs some informations to be able to demultiplex. I'm not sure it's able to pass through encrypted streams.

Re: Encrypted Ts file Stream

Posted: 25 Apr 2013 11:00
by atillaca
Dear Mundu and Remi,

Thanks for your replies.

But I did not use Live555 or Multicat and I have no experience on both software. After your reply I have installed Lıve555 streamer on ubuntu but I don't know how can I create Stream batch for TS stream.

Could you please help me?

All the best.

Re: Encrypted Ts file Stream

Posted: 26 Apr 2013 18:20
by ibstars
I am not sure about what u are trying to do, but why would you want to stream an encrypted file.
Even if u manage to do that, i think the stream would not be able to stream properly cause of the encryption.