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What the restreaming does?

Posted: 09 Apr 2013 08:39
by linpoyu0415
Hi everyone,

I use the VLC command line below,

Code: Select all

VLC --intf=dummy rtsp:// --rtsp-host= :sout=#rtp{sdp=rtsp://:8554/} :sout-keep --repeat
It receives a rtsp:// stream and then stream the same content to rtsp:// . And I can use another VLC media player with network URL: rtsp:// to receive and play the video stream. It works very well. My question is what the restreaming does. Since the CPU resource loading is very low during the restreaming process. Is it simply do the packet forwarding? Does it need to decode the input stream and then reassemble the stream to send out? Could someone tell the details? I much appreciate if someone could help me to clarify this process or give me some hints to figure it out.


Re: What the restreaming does?

Posted: 09 Apr 2013 12:31
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Here, it is mainly taking the packets in .ts and resending them in RTP, yes.

Re: What the restreaming does?

Posted: 09 Apr 2013 15:34
by linpoyu0415
Here, it is mainly taking the packets in .ts and resending them in RTP, yes.
Thanks for your prompt response. Would you advise which source code module I may be able to get more detailed process for this?
Would you also help to answer the following questions?
1.Where to store the temporary .ts? is it hard-disk or memory?
2.What's the .ts size should be? When will the .ts be re-generated?
3.For restream process, VLC is also a RTSP streaming server. It seems that it has to handle RTSP requests from clients, but how does it create the SDP for clients?
4.Is there any document mentioned the process in VLC website?

Thanks so much for your helps in advance.