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RTSP Stream to UDP Stream

Posted: 05 Apr 2013 01:10
by Fhajad
I'm using Linux to try and take in an RTSP Stream and instead output it as a UDP stream.

If I run:

Code: Select all

cvlc -vvv rtsp://@ --sout='#std{access=udp{ttl=15},dst=}'
I get this:

And it just hangs and never actually outputs a stream. It appears to be an issue with the udp muxer, but unsure how to resolve specifically.


Re: RTSP Stream to UDP Stream

Posted: 05 Apr 2013 17:19
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
No mux specified.

Re: RTSP Stream to UDP Stream

Posted: 05 Apr 2013 22:43
by Fhajad
Whoops, ok got that fixed and now have a stream.

Code: Select all

cvlc -vvv rtsp://@ --sout='#std{access=udp{ttl=15},mux=ts,dst=}'
Now the only issue is the fact that I'm getting a lot of buffer notices on the input and output.