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VLM output stream stops, after input stream has stopped

Posted: 30 Mar 2013 08:07
by sibeMamnue
Hi all

I wrote a VLM script that generates and streams a mosaic output from some input network streams. Input streams are MPEG-4 or MPEG-2 streams. As expected, it works well; except that when input streams are stopped and after a period of time they are started again; they aren't seen in the output video :( . Is there any time-out or another option that can be used to fix that?
thank you

Code: Select all

new channel1 broadcast enabled setup channel1 input udp://@ setup channel1 output #duplicate{dst=mosaic-bridge{id=1,height=240,width=320},select=video,dst=bridge-out{id=5},select=audio} . . . new background broadcast enabled setup background option image-duration=-1 setup background option image-fps=25/1 setup background input /home/samim/mosaic/mosaic.png setup background output #transcode{sfilter=mosaic,vcodec=mp2v,acodec=mp4a,ab=128,vb=8000,scale=0.5}:bridge-in{delay=40,id-offset=100}:standard{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=} control channel1 play .... control background play

Re: VLM output stream stops, after input stream has stopped

Posted: 01 Apr 2013 19:13
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
I don't think there is an auto-reconnect for udp

Re: VLM output stream stops, after input stream has stopped

Posted: 03 Apr 2013 08:59
by sibeMamnue
I have seen in typical usage of vlc that for playing a udp input stream, when input stream stops and after a while starts again; vlc can detect stream reset event and start playing stream. I have worked with jvlc library and I have seen the MediaPlayerEventListener interface can detect stream stop, play, timeSeek and etc for udp streams.

But why VLM script of vlc can not play the input stream when it stops and starts again?

Re: VLM output stream stops, after input stream has stopped

Posted: 03 Apr 2013 17:32
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
UDP is connection-less. VLC never detects the disconnection; it just considers the stream paused.