Re-streaming a local WiFi ethernet streaming from GoPro 3

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Cone that earned his stripes
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Re-streaming a local WiFi ethernet streaming from GoPro 3

Postby aitte » 14 Mar 2013 00:16

Hi everyone!

I've bought a GoPro 3, that can stream live video at a local wifi LAN.

I can streaming it directly from GoPro (via WiFi) to VLC (at local computer) like this video:

Buuut, the question is: can I "re-streaming" this video from my computer to the all the internet (WAN) using some trick in VLC? VLC will be like a "repeater" of the streaming, from the local LAN to internet...

It's possible?

I want to cover an event at my job with the GoPro and stream this to other friends around the world... If it is not possible this way, there's some sugestions to make it happens?

THANKS in advance!! ;)

Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Re: Re-streaming a local WiFi ethernet streaming from GoPro

Postby Rémi Denis-Courmont » 14 Mar 2013 17:32

It depends on your computer power and your network connection.
Rémi Denis-Courmont
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Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: Re-streaming a local WiFi ethernet streaming from GoPro

Postby aitte » 14 Mar 2013 22:55

Ok, there's no problem about computer power and network connection. I need to know how can I SETUP a "re-streaming" system from a stream transmitted from another computer at the same local network. That's it! =)

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Re: Re-streaming a local WiFi ethernet streaming from GoPro

Postby linpoyu0415 » 09 Apr 2013 08:10

You could try the command below,

Code: Select all

VLC --intf=dummy --http-host= :sout=#http{mux=ts,dst=:80/} :sout-keep --repeat
where <> is the GoPro httplive URL, and <> is your another public IP from your computer to internet. As for a client, you could use VLC media player with a network URL <> to view the live stream from your computer.

You could also use the RTSP to restream your GoPro livestream as below,

Code: Select all

VLC --intf=dummy --rtsp-host= :sout=#rtp{sdp=rtsp://:8554/} :sout-keep --repeat
In your VLC client, you can type a network URL as <rtsp://>

That's all. Hope it helps.
Please let me if it works.

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