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Is soverlay not working?

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 14:12
by Drexl
I've spent the past 5 hours trying more sout codes than I care to count, but can't get my .mkv files to stream w/ subs. Is anyone aware of a problem w/ soverlay? Is it working?
Edit: I'm using VLC 2.0.3 (latest)

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide. I've lost a lot of sleep trying to fix this. -_-

Re: Is soverlay not working?

Posted: 25 Sep 2012 23:32
by Drexl
I finally got this script to work:

Code: Select all

vlc -vvv D:\temp\test.mkv --sub-track=0 --sout="#transcode{soverlay,vcodec=h264,vb=0,scale=0,acodec=mp4a,ab=128,channels=2,samplerate=44100}:http{mux=ffmpeg{mux=flv},dst=:1337/}"
Is there any way to specify --sub-track=0 through the gui? I don't care if I have to manually type it in somewhere, I would just prefer to be able to specify it SOMEWHERE in the gui. Thanks again.
Edit: Also, is there any way to control the subtitle formatting so that I can get it to match the original? They resulting stream has massive subtitles that take up to four lines (nearly half the screen) in some cases where the original only takes up 2.

Re: Is soverlay not working?

Posted: 26 Sep 2012 12:27
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Why do you need sub-track 0 ?

Re: Is soverlay not working?

Posted: 26 Sep 2012 18:49
by Drexl
Because that's the first sub track. It goes 0,1,2... right? Regardless, until I specified sub-track 0 the subtitles would not burn.

Re: Is soverlay not working?

Posted: 26 Sep 2012 18:54
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
I mean, you want first sub track, or just a specific language?
Else, you can select in preferences (advanced) either the track number or language.

Re: Is soverlay not working?

Posted: 26 Sep 2012 19:01
by Drexl
Oh I see what you mean. I can type "sub-track=0" by ticking "show more options" and typing it in the "Edit Options" box. You threw me for a loop w/ the advanced preferences thing. I was looking in the adv preferences for the entire VLC program. :P

In any case, it got me pointed in the right direction. TYVM. As to my second question, do you know of a way to manipulate the subtitles that get burned? They are way too big.

Re: Is soverlay not working?

Posted: 26 Sep 2012 19:11
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
are those srt or ssa?

Re: Is soverlay not working?

Posted: 26 Sep 2012 19:22
by Drexl
ssa :(

Re: Is soverlay not working?

Posted: 26 Sep 2012 19:32
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
not really, then.

Re: Is soverlay not working?

Posted: 26 Sep 2012 19:39
by Drexl
OH well, ty much for the help regardless. It's nice to finally get this figured out. One last thing if I may:
How do I get file-caching=300 to work with sub-track=0?

In the edit options box the default is " :file-caching=300". I've tried " :file-caching=300:sub-track=0" and " :file-caching=300,sub-track=0" and neither works. I obviously have something wrong with the syntax, but I don't know what it is.

Re: Is soverlay not working?

Posted: 26 Sep 2012 22:18
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
add a space. And both can be changed in preferences.