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Saving metadata

Posted: 01 Aug 2012 07:24
by RobertsRozis
All of this is about working from a command line.
I would like capture a MMS stream, transcode and save to MP3. Fine, clear so far:

Code: Select all

"C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" -vvv mms:// vlc://quit --sout "#transcode{acodec=mp3,ab=192}:duplicate{dst=display,dst=std{access=file,mux=raw,dst=e:\Downloads\selfInfo.mp3}}
In addition, I would like to save some metadata -- title, artist, album, e.g.,

Code: Select all

"C:\Program Files (x86)\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" -vvv mms:// vlc://quit --sout "#transcode{acodec=mp3,ab=192}:duplicate{dst=display,dst=std{access=file,mux=raw,dst=e:\Downloads\selfInfo.mp3, title="My Title", artist="My Favourite Artist",album="My Album"}} has a section on metadata, but I do not find a way to get this saved to MP3.
--meta-title=<string> Title metadata Allows you to specify a "title" metadata for an input.
--meta-author=<string> Author metadata Allows you to specify an "author" metadata for an input.
--meta-artist=<string> Artist metadata Allows you to specify an "artist" metadata for an input.
--meta-genre=<string> Genre metadata Allows you to specify a "genre" metadata for an input.
--meta-copyright=<string> Copyright metadata Allows you to specify a "copyright" metadata for an input.
--meta-description=<string> Description metadata Allows you to specify a "description" metadata for an input.
--meta-date=<string> Date metadata Allows you to specify a "date" metadata for an input.
--meta-url=<string> URL metadata Allows you to specify a "url" metadata for an input.

Now I must use a manual MP3Tag editor instead...

Is this possible in some similar way from command line, or shall this go to feature request?

Re: Saving metadata

Posted: 01 Aug 2012 08:30
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
I think you are doing all correctly, but VLC does not support that correctly.

Re: Saving metadata

Posted: 01 Aug 2012 10:47
by RĂ©mi Denis-Courmont
There are no such parameters as "title", "author" and so on in the standard (std) stream output plugin. The only supported meta data are "name", "description", "url", "email" and "phone". And they are only used for SAP advertisement, not for saving to file.

Generally speaking, meta data are not supported in VLC stream output as yet.