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Streaming with a Stream source

Posted: 22 Jun 2005 23:56
by Swad
I poked around the forum a bit but didn't find any real answer though I did see some related topics about this. What I effectively want to do is have VLC use an internet stream (in this case, the one from ) as my source that I will then in turn stream out so those in my office can listen and all be synchronized. Now, if I used something like a local .mp3 file as my source, it works great. I multi-cast over UDP, there is no sound on the local machine of the computer that is streaming it, and anyone can connect to it and stream it. As soon as I change my source from a local .mp3 to something like the stream I mentioned above from Frisky Radio, it plays the music locally and won't multi-cast to anyone. All the settings are the exact some from when it worked except that I'm using a streamed source instead of a local file source.

Is this possible? Any ideas what I may be missing?

Posted: 23 Jun 2005 14:45
by Swad
I just realized I didn't say what OS / version. This has been attempted both in Windows XP SP2 and Ubuntu Linux using 0.8.1.

Posted: 23 Jun 2005 15:03
by petgun
maybe a solution: stream friskyradio to a file and try multicast with a _new_ VLC instance using that increasing file as a source..


Posted: 23 Jun 2005 15:08
by Swad
That does sound like a possible solution, though it does seem kindof overly-involved. Then again, I guess it could possibly be the only solution. I'll keep it in definite consideration. I got the impression that a stream could directly be used as a source, though, and that the same player could multi-cast out for others. Is this not the actual case?

Thanks for the feedback.