Directshow HDTV advanaced options problem/confusion

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Directshow HDTV advanaced options problem/confusion

Postby dan_2121 » 07 Feb 2007 00:46

Im trying to use multiple PCI HDTV cards to stream different channels. I only have one for testing so far. Its a WinFast DTV1000 BDA DVB-T tuner running on XP pro. I have a test network setup and so far have successfully streamed live camera feeds, DVD discs/files ETC. I tried using DVB web scheduler but that cant run multiple instances. Anyways what im stuck with is i cant get this tuner to stream or even play locally using direct show. Where i am not sure/understand is after i select the file->open capture device ->and select video device name and the audio source under advanced options. Here i don’t know what all the advanced options should be set to.
For Example:

- Chroma Format

- Input frame rate

- TV channel

-Country Code (for Australia)

- Video/Audio input/output

Any advice/help would be much appreciated as i just cant figure this out. Spent hours and cant get a single frame.

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