presentation_short.vob specifications

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 12
Joined: 21 Apr 2004 10:27

presentation_short.vob specifications

Postby karlito » 15 Jun 2004 15:53


I am working with a Pace DSL 4000 STB (bit old I know). I succeed to stream the presentation_short.vob (available here: file on the STB. I tried to stream other files on the STB and none of them work.
So the question is: what are the exact MPEG features, TS, PS.... all the specifications of the presentation_short.vob file.
I tried to open the presentation_short.vob file with Adobe Premiere and plenty of others software (GSpot, AviScript, Virtual Dub, MPEG encoders...) which could give me info about it but none of them could open the file... and opening the file with VLC does not give any useful info about the file
How did you get such a mysterious file ?? :?:


International Master Student in Telecommunications DTU

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