Live Streaming of Battlefield 2

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Live Streaming of Battlefield 2

Postby eddie5659 » 16 Aug 2006 20:06


I'm in a clan for Battlefield 2, and we're having weekly events (other than matches) for fun, etc.

What has been asked, is is there a way to stream a live feed from the game online to a website, so that any that can't play or just like to watch, can do so.

Many use Fraps, so this will be the main program used. But, can this be streamed via VLC for this purpose, as the game is played in real-time?

If so, will it be easy to access via a website, or would it have to be a link to the VLC/Fraps connection?

Many thanks


Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby bXn » 17 Aug 2006 14:32

one solution could be to have one pc connected
to the game as spectator for instance, duplicate
the display output (many video cards can do that now)
and use this clone to feed a video capture card input
(may recent video cards are able to acquire an input
Next step is to use VLC for instance to encode the
input feed to offer it to the internet in unicast.

One your web page, then just put a rtsp url pointing
to the stream generated by vlc

This solution requires an another PC but is quite easy
to setup.
May be with a good video card you can do all the set up
with only one pc

One problem could aso be the upload bandwith that is
going to be used by people connected to the stream.

If you create a stream @ 250 kbits/s to get something
correct, most xDSL connections in France do not offer
more than 1024 kbits/s in upload so after 3 different
people connected you will be screwed

New Cone
New Cone
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Postby neil717 » 25 Aug 2006 16:26

You could do the above using VLC but transcoding to Theora video and
vorbis audio in an ogg stream and feed this into PeerCast many gamers
in Japan are using this technique, you would only need to seed your
netcast onto the Net with a couple of PeerCast connections see some
of the gamer channels @:

They quite often have 100-200 viewers connected at a time.


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