Saving an RTSP Stream.. troubleshooting

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New Cone
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Saving an RTSP Stream.. troubleshooting

Postby cyberfunk » 11 Jan 2006 06:28

Hi all... I'm having some trouble saving a RTSP stream... Yes, i've read the docs, and i've tried most of what I know (which, admittedly is very little).
But I was wondering if someone smart here could help me ?

I can get the stream to PLAY in VLC (sometimes) but it just wont save it to a file, either with the streaming wizard, manually, or w/ the command line. I'm running Mac OS X, VLC 0.8.4.

As it happens, I'm actually trying to save today's MWSF keynote.. but I'm worried that i'll have this same problem in the future w/ other things. The URL for anyone interested is rtsp://

What I've tried:
•Using the VLC Streaming wizard... I'm confused as to what i should be setting the output encapsulation method to (does it only affect the output stream and not the interpretation of the input stream?). I've tried all of them to no avail.
What happens: Sometimes nothing, sometimes audio only plays, but never video, and the file is always empty (or ~16 bytes).

•Making sure the stream plays (i.e. I see video and hear sound), then using the VLC wizard to select it from the "playlist" option. Tried varying the muxer settings as above (again, not sure what i'm doing here, if someone could explain, that'd be nice, too). No luck.

•A bad attempt at using the command line, but I was quickly confused by all the options... I tried ./VLC stream address --sout file/ . I got a empty file again.

I'm willing to post debug output if people think that would help. Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks so much in advance,

Blank Cone
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Postby h2g2bob » 11 Jan 2006 18:28

I think someone was having trouble with this earlier - I don't have QuickTime so I can't try this out, but they fixed the problem by doing this:
* open the url in QuickTime player
* let it decide which datarate is best for your connection
* let it play for a few seconds, then pause it
* open the stream info, copy the url
* open / save that one in VLC

New Cone
New Cone
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Postby cyberfunk » 12 Jan 2006 23:45

Yea... I saw that post.. Thats how I got my URL originally anyways.

I can get it to PLAY just fine in VLC.. I just cant get it to SAVE. Still frusterated with this problem....

If it plays, it should be able to be saved, right ??

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 03 Mar 2006 11:53

Saving rtsp streams from camera

Postby smitha » 06 Mar 2006 08:53


You are right...If VLC can stream rtsp..then there must be a way by which we can save the rtsp streams to a file...I would like my rtsp streams from camera to be saved in mp4 format files..Any way?Any help on this wud be appreciated...

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