Receive UDP (ts) stream and send to HTTP (flv)

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Receive UDP (ts) stream and send to HTTP (flv)

Postby hneiraf » 08 Dec 2009 03:57

Hello, and thank you in advance.
I need to receive a live udp stream (ts), and then serve it as a flv stream via http.
The objetive is to be able to view this flv stream embedded into a website using JW player (flash).
I am using JW player 4.6 and doing some test with three VLC editions (0.9.2 | 0.9.4 | 1.0.3 ).

The udp stream is a TS muxed stream with "mp4a" and "x264" as audio/video codecs.

I just want to receive this live udp (ts) stream, and then serve it as a http (flv) stream but with no trancoding process.
So I am using the following command line:

vlc.exe "udp://@x.x.x.x:12345" ":sout=#std{access=http{mime=video/x-flv},mux=ffmpeg{mux=flv},dst=}"

In this example, I can only get working the audio, no video.

The only way I can get working both audio/video is doing transcoding, like this:

vlc.exe "udp://@x.x.x.x:12345" ":sout=#transcode{venc=ffmpeg{qmin=1,qmax=2},vcodec=FLV1}:std{access=http{mime=video/x-flv},mux=ffmpeg{mux=flv},dst=}"

But this way vlc uses a lot of CPU (video is 1280x720), and because of the original video stream is x264, then the final video loses a lot of quality when transcoding to FLV1 (vp6 I think) and the final result is a bad quality video and a burning cpu.

There is a way to make it working with no transcoding?
There is a better flash player? (JW player seems to be unstable with a http live vlc stream)

Cone that earned his stripes
Cone that earned his stripes
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Re: Receive UDP (ts) stream and send to HTTP (flv)

Postby kdh » 08 Dec 2009 20:16

See my signature.. I do the same thing. The bottom link in my signature should have all the details you need. Click on the "how i use vlc" for more details.

New Cone
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Re: Receive UDP (ts) stream and send to HTTP (flv)

Postby JK010 » 22 Nov 2017 03:58

Sorry to dig up an old thread - I'm trying to do the same thing. But I can't see any signature links - does anybody have any info on how I could get this to work?

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