About encoding, codec settings, muxers and filter usage


Postby meza » 28 Nov 2005 15:45

Changes between 0.8.2 and 0.8.4:

Stream output:
* New shout output module to forward streams to icecast servers

Is there any documentation about this module ?

Thanks VLC is great.

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Postby pilami » 29 Nov 2005 11:35

how can i setup a mountpoint / password with vlc ?

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Postby zorglub » 29 Nov 2005 11:59


You need to build the stream output chain "yourself".

Use '#shout{url=user:password@server_host:server_port/mountpoint}'

It's not very user-friendly at the moment, we'll see what we can do
Clément Stenac

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Postby pilami » 29 Nov 2005 17:15

yeah thanks you !

i'll try it =)

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Postby pilami » 29 Nov 2005 23:29

damn i tried this MRL :
and add this in my icecast config :

doesn't working i guess ...

is there something wrong in my MRL ?


Postby Guest » 30 Nov 2005 07:48

i have similar problem i can get it to transcode ogg
vlc -vvv http://stream:port --sout '#transcode{acodec=vorbis,ab=96}:standard{access=shout,mux=ogg,url=source:pass@server:port/llink.ogg}'

but i want to use mp3
even if u try
vlc -vvv http://stream:port --sout '#transcode{acodec=mp3,ab=192}:standard{access=shout,mux=mp3,url=source:pass@server:port/link.mp3}'

that doesnt work because of the mux=mp3 :/
any idea's i tried --sout '#transcode{acodec=mp3,ab=192}:#shout{url=source:pass@server:port/llink.mp3}'

no go :\

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Postby dionoea » 30 Nov 2005 14:02

you might need to use access=shout{mp3=1}

see ... ut/shout.c for more info.
Antoine Cellerier
(Please do not use private messages for support questions)


Postby Guest » 30 Nov 2005 19:47

that works so now on my icecast it says mpeg but the std mux doesnt support the mp3 :/ so after it connects 5 seconds it drops hmmm

any idea's on that one?

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Postby dionoea » 30 Nov 2005 20:39

you should use raw or es to mux mp3.
Antoine Cellerier
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Postby tvtalkshowshigh » 05 Jan 2006 00:05

i've been trying to set up an icecast server in windows but can't get VLC to stream to icecast2

my command line to launch vlc is:
vlc.exe file://c:\test.ogg --sout '#transcode{acodec=vorbis,ab=96}:standard{access=shout,mux=ogg,url=source:hackme@}'

and the debug information from vlc is:
main debug: using sout chain=`std{mux="",access="'#transcode{acodec=vorbis,ab=96}",url="standard{access=shout,mux=ogg,url=source:hackme@}'"}'
main debug: stream=`std'
main debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate
main warning: missing value for option mux
main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-access to '#transcode{acodec=vorbis,ab=96}
main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-url to standard{access=shout,mux=ogg,url=source:hackme@}'
stream_out_standard debug: creating `'#transcode{acodec=vorbis,ab=96}/(null)://standard{access=shout,mux=ogg,url=source:hackme@}''
stream_out_standard debug: extention is ogg}'
stream_out_standard debug: extention -> mux=(null)
stream_out_standard error: no mux specified or found by extention
main warning: no sout stream module matching "std" could be loaded
main debug: destroying chain... (name=std)
main debug: destroying chain done
main error: stream chained failed for `std{mux="",access="'#transcode{acodec=vorbis,ab=96}",url="standard{access=shout,mux=ogg,url=source:hackme@}'"}'
main error: cannot start stream output instance, aborting

so for some reason vlc isn't parsing the "mux=ogg" part of the command line...? i tried rearanging it to the way that the error suggests (with the mux= at the begining) but i got the same error.

I've using VLC 0.8.4a. I also tried with the latest nightly build for windows but this didn't help.

I assume it's something stupid that i'm doing in the command syntax - could someone please tell me what i'm doing wrong?

thanks in advance,


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Postby dionoea » 05 Jan 2006 13:12

try sout=#std withouth the quotes (and with the equal sign).
Antoine Cellerier
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Postby tvtalkshowshigh » 07 Jan 2006 16:55

thanks dionoea,

unfortunately it still doesn't work though...

new command
start c:\progra~1\videolan\vlc\vlc.exe file://c:\test.ogg sout=#std{access=shout,mux=ogg,url=source:hackme@localhost:8000/llink.ogg}

new error
main error: no suitable access module for `sout=#std{access=shout,mux=ogg,url=source:hackme@localhost:8000/llink.ogg}'

is the shout module definitely enabled in the official release of 0.8.4a? as i said, i've tried the nightlies as well but that didn't make any difference.


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Postby dionoea » 09 Jan 2006 21:16

Could you paste all the debug messages ?
Antoine Cellerier
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Postby tvtalkshowshigh » 09 Jan 2006 22:12

oops! firstly, slight mistake in my last attempt - i forgot the "--" before "sout" so vlc was parsing the sout part of my command as a seperate playlist item!

however, revised command is as follows:
start c:\progra~1\videolan\vlc\vlc.exe file://c:\test.ogg --sout=#std{access=shout,mux=ogg,url=source:hackme@localhost:8000/llink.ogg}

and full debug info:
logger: Using logger...
logger warning: no log filename provided, using `vlc-log.txt'
logger debug: opening logfile `vlc-log.txt'
main debug: using interface module "logger"
main debug: interface initialized
main debug: thread 3660 (interface) created at priority 0 (src/interface/interface.c:221)
main debug: creating new input thread
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: stream=`std'
main debug: thread 3684 (input) created at priority 1 (src/input/input.c:250)
main debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate
main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-access to shout
main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-mux to ogg
main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-url to source:hackme@localhost:8000/llink.ogg
stream_out_standard debug: creating `shout/ogg://source:hackme@localhost:8000/llink.ogg'
stream_out_standard debug: extention is ogg
stream_out_standard debug: extention -> mux=ogg
stream_out_standard debug: using `shout/ogg://source:hackme@localhost:8000/llink.ogg'
main debug: looking for sout access module: 0 candidates
main error: no sout access module matched "shout"
stream_out_standard error: no suitable sout access module for `shout/ogg://source:hackme@localhost:8000/llink.ogg'
main warning: no sout stream module matching "std" could be loaded
main debug: destroying chain... (name=std)
main debug: destroying chain done
main error: stream chained failed for `std{access=shout,mux=ogg,url=source:hackme@localhost:8000/llink.ogg}'
main error: cannot start stream output instance, aborting
main debug: thread times: real 0m0.109375s, kernel 0m0.000000s, user 0m0.000000s
main debug: thread 3684 joined (src/input/input.c:390)
main: nothing to play

that was using vlc-0.8.5-svn-20060109-0000-win32

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Postby dionoea » 09 Jan 2006 22:34

hehe :) the shout module wasn't enabled in the windows nightly build (and i doubt that it was enabled in the official windows build). I updated the windows nightly build configure line to compile it. It should be available in tomorrow's nightly (tell me if it works).
Antoine Cellerier
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Postby tvtalkshowshigh » 09 Jan 2006 22:37

hehe/ i thought that's what the error meant, i just didn't think it was likely to be the case! :lol:

thanks for sorting it Dionoea, i'll post back here tomorrow.

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Postby dionoea » 09 Jan 2006 22:50

looks like the new build is done :)
Antoine Cellerier
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Postby tvtalkshowshigh » 09 Jan 2006 23:06

sorry, still the same problem.

with vlc-0.8.5-svn-20060109-2241-win32 (last night) and vlc-0.8.5-svn-20060110-0000-win32 (this morning). I've tried the installer and the zip as they seem to be slightly different (no activex in installer) why is that btw?

logger: Using logger...
logger warning: no log filename provided, using `vlc-log.txt'
logger debug: opening logfile `vlc-log.txt'
main debug: using interface module "logger"
main debug: interface initialized
main debug: thread 3616 (interface) created at priority 0 (src/interface/interface.c:221)
main debug: creating new input thread
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: stream=`std'
main debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate
main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-access to shout
main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-mux to ogg
main debug: set sout option: sout-standard-url to source:hackme@localhost:8000/llink.ogg
stream_out_standard debug: creating `shout/ogg://source:hackme@localhost:8000/llink.ogg'
stream_out_standard debug: extention is ogg
stream_out_standard debug: extention -> mux=ogg
stream_out_standard debug: using `shout/ogg://source:hackme@localhost:8000/llink.ogg'
main debug: looking for sout access module: 0 candidates
main error: no sout access module matched "shout"
stream_out_standard error: no suitable sout access module for `shout/ogg://source:hackme@localhost:8000/llink.ogg'
main warning: no sout stream module matching "std" could be loaded
main debug: destroying chain... (name=std)
main debug: destroying chain done
main error: stream chained failed for `std{access=shout,mux=ogg,url=source:hackme@localhost:8000/llink.ogg}'
main error: cannot start stream output instance, aborting
main debug: thread 3648 (input) created at priority 1 (src/input/input.c:250)
main debug: thread times: real 0m0.093750s, kernel 0m0.000000s, user 0m0.000000s
main debug: thread 3648 joined (src/input/input.c:390)
main: nothing to play

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Postby bytebanditkiller » 24 Jan 2006 21:15


i have the same problem on my osx....

the shout module seems not (or is not) included in the binaries.


Code: Select all

[00000001] main vlc debug: opening config file /var/root/Library/Preferences/VLC/vlcrc [00000001] main vlc warning: config file /var/root/Library/Preferences/VLC/vlcrc does not exist yet [00000001] main vlc debug: checking builtin modules [00000001] main vlc debug: checking plugin modules [00000001] main vlc debug: loading plugins cache file /var/root/Library/Preferences/VLC/cache/plugins-0404be.dat [00000001] main vlc debug: recursively browsing `./modules' [00000001] main vlc debug: recursively browsing `/usr/local/lib/vlc' [00000001] main vlc debug: recursively browsing `./plugins' [00000001] main vlc debug: module bank initialized, found 194 modules [00000001] main vlc debug: opening config file /var/root/Library/Preferences/VLC/vlcrc [00000001] main vlc warning: config file /var/root/Library/Preferences/VLC/vlcrc does not exist yet [00000001] main vlc debug: CPU has capabilities AltiVec FPU [00000001] main vlc debug: looking for memcpy module: 2 candidates [00000005] main module debug: using memcpy module "memcpyaltivec" [00000249] main playlist debug: waiting for thread completion [00000249] main playlist debug: thread 58852352 (playlist) created at priority -47 (src/playlist/playlist.c:183) [00000250] main private debug: waiting for thread completion [00000250] main private debug: thread 58933760 (preparser) created at priority -47 (src/playlist/playlist.c:205) [00000251] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 1 candidate [00000114] main module debug: using interface module "hotkeys" [00000251] main interface debug: interface initialized [00000251] main interface debug: thread 59519488 (interface) created at priority -47 (src/interface/interface.c:178) [00000249] main playlist debug: adding playlist item `/Volumes/APPLESEED_D1' ( /Volumes/APPLESEED_D1 ) [00000253] main interface debug: looking for interface module: 3 candidates [00000023] main module debug: using interface module "macosx" [00000253] main interface debug: interface initialized [00000253] main interface debug: thread 59524608 (manager) created at priority -47 (src/interface/interface.c:152) [00000249] main playlist debug: nothing requested, starting [00000249] main playlist debug: creating new input thread [00000254] main input debug: waiting for thread completion [00000254] main input debug: thread 59670016 (input) created at priority 37 (src/input/input.c:230) [00000255] main stream output debug: stream=`transcode' [00000256] main private debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate [00000255] main stream output debug: stream=`standard' [00000259] main private debug: looking for sout stream module: 1 candidate [00000259] main private debug: set sout option: sout-standard-access to shout [00000259] main private debug: set sout option: sout-standard-mux to ogg [00000259] main private debug: set sout option: sout-standard-url to videosource:password@ [00000259] stream_out_standard private debug: creating `shout/ogg://videosource:password@' [00000259] stream_out_standard private debug: extention is ogg [00000259] stream_out_standard private debug: extention -> mux=ogg [00000259] stream_out_standard private debug: using `shout/ogg://videosource:password@' [00000261] main private debug: looking for sout access module: 0 candidates [00000261] main private error: no sout access module matched "shout" [00000259] stream_out_standard private error: no suitable sout access module for `shout/ogg://videosource:password@' [00000259] main private warning: no sout stream module matching "standard" could be loaded [00000259] main private debug: destroying chain... (name=standard) [00000259] main private debug: destroying chain done [00000256] stream_out_transcode private error: cannot create chain [00000256] main private warning: no sout stream module matching "transcode" could be loaded [00000256] main private debug: destroying chain... (name=transcode) [00000256] main private debug: destroying chain done [00000255] main stream output error: stream chained failed for `transcode{vcodec=theora,vb=300,venc=theora,acodec=vorbis,ab=96,aenc=vorbis}:standard{access=shout,mux=ogg,url=videosource:password@}' [00000254] main input error: cannot start stream output instance, aborting [00000254] main input debug: thread 59670016 joined (src/input/input.c:386) [00000249] main playlist: nothing to play
Does anybody know how i compile myself the sources with the shout module for osx?

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freebsd vlc-devel build

Postby bytebanditkiller » 24 Jan 2006 22:51

hello it's me again...

i took my freebsd laptop and installed the vlc-devel port and .... yepp.

for everyone this module shout must be only available in the latest devel sources.

i hope it will soon get to release state as there are actually not a lot of video streamer's for theora and on the freebsd side there are none, as far as i know.

so it seem's i have to turn over to the gentoo linux box to put my theora stream on my icecast server.

because i have the following error when i try to connect to the server:

Code: Select all

vlc -vv /home/rik/dvd/Madagascar.avi :sout=#transcode{vcodec=theora,vb=256,scale=1,acodec=vorbis,ab=32,channels=1}:std{access=shout,mux=ogg,url=videosource:password@}

Code: Select all

[00000266] main input debug: set input option: sout to #transcodechannels=1:stdaccess=shout [00000266] main input debug: set input option: sout to #transcodechannels=1:stdmux=ogg [00000266] main input debug: set input option: sout to #transcodechannels=1:stdurl=videosource:password@ [00000266] main input debug: waiting for thread completion [00000266] main input debug: creating statistics handler [00000268] main stream output debug: stream=`transcodechannels=1' [00000269] main private debug: looking for sout stream module: 0 candidates [00000269] main private error: no sout stream module matched "transcodechannels=1" [00000269] main private debug: destroying chain... (name=transcodechannels=1) [00000269] main private debug: destroying chain done [00000268] main stream output error: stream chained failed for `transcodechannels=1:stdurl=videosource:password@' [00000266] main input error: cannot start stream output instance, aborting [00000266] main input debug: thread 138902016 (input) created at priority 0 (src/input/input.c:252) [00000266] main input debug: thread 138902016 joined (src/input/input.c:392) [00000257] main playlist: nothing to play
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Re: freebsd vlc-devel build

Postby dionoea » 25 Jan 2006 01:16

Try this instead :

Code: Select all

vlc -vv /home/rik/dvd/Madagascar.avi :sout="#transcode{vcodec=theora,vb=256,scale=1,acodec=vorbis,ab=32,channels=1}:std{access=shout,mux=ogg,url=videosource:password@} "
(the shell is changing your command line before VLC even gets to read it which explains the errors)
Antoine Cellerier
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no sout access module matched "shout"

Postby bytebanditkiller » 25 Jan 2006 21:04

thank you for your answer...

yes you where right i had not the right syntax i was too tired. but after all now there must be maybe another wrong usage i have a problem.

BECAUSE i have the exactly same error like on my OSX system that i posted before:

no sout access module matched "shout"

Do you have a idea what is wrong there? i whould be very very pleased to solve this problem.

I have compiled the following sources

Code: Select all

i have used the folloging command:

Code: Select all

vlc -vv /dvd/Madagascar.avi :sout="#transcode{vcodec=theora,vb=256,acodec=vorb,ab=32}:std{access=shout,mux=ogg,url=videosource:gogoget@}"
i have tried also many variants of syntax --sout "# --sout='# i also tried every variant with the blanc space before the last " and without.

thank you and everyone for answers.
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::bsd licence forever::


Postby Guest » 26 Jan 2006 18:57

i have similar problem i can get it to transcode ogg
vlc -vvv http://stream:port --sout '#transcode{acodec=vorbis,ab=96}:standard{access=shout,mux=ogg,url=source:pass@server:port/llink.ogg}'

but i want to use mp3
even if u try
vlc -vvv http://stream:port --sout '#transcode{acodec=mp3,ab=192}:standard{access=shout,mux=mp3,url=source:pass@server:port/link.mp3}'

that doesnt work because of the mux=mp3 :/
any idea's i tried --sout '#transcode{acodec=mp3,ab=192}:#shout{url=source:pass@server:port/llink.mp3}'

no go :\


Nightly builds without shout compiled

Postby ajoaoff » 02 Feb 2006 13:43

The nightly builds are still without the shout module. Could somebody please fix that?




Postby ig_nefer » 15 Mar 2006 19:33

I'm trying to reformat a broadcast from WMA to MP3

My source is

I'm using following sintax treformat it to MP3 and send it to a mounitng point /igtest on a shoutcast server

But, not very lucky at that.

Please help!


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