I have Requirement:
Get the UTC time of every video frame and print it to screen with video.
I just check the Document of Libvlc, Maybe It Does not explicitly export the API for getting UTC of every frame. anyway, I cannot find any information about this. so , I just search the issue on stackoverflow and find out that http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2309 ... encv-mat-c http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2645 ... ay-a-frame ,
video-postrender-callback function just passed the presentation time into int64_t pts I saw from above two question on stackoverflow. this paramter pts present what? It is UTC? Can I implement my requirement in this way? Because the live555(libvlc just called this) just do not care about RTP timestamp ,NTP timestamp things like that(http://lists.live555.com/pipermail/live ... 12207.html). I just looked testRTSPClient(this is official Demo on live555)code, and found out that the presentation time is just UTC.