Questions how to stream VOD to HTTP plus Logo/Marq

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 15
Joined: 14 Nov 2005 09:35

Questions how to stream VOD to HTTP plus Logo/Marq

Postby Polyphem » 14 Nov 2005 09:47

Hello Videolan-Community,

first I want to thank the developers for this great programm. I'm using it now for 2-3 years as my media player #1, but just recently started to explorer the streaming features. I already dug through the documentation (player+streaming) and through the forum here. I saw different forum-posts where some of the questions below were discussed, but found no posts with the respective working answers.

Getting VLC running VOD on rtsp is no problem. What I now want is

1. to stream VOD to HTTP (or other way to play VOD on WMP)
2. to add either Logo/Marq to VOD (transcode the VOD)
3. timing the Logo/Marq (fade in/out) or only display Logo/Marq every X frames for Y frames of time would be superbe...
4. force logo/marq to reload while transcoding

I'm not sure if these four things are even possible with vlc. Can anyone give me a pointer in the right direction or even post his / her sample commandline options and / or config-files? I'm trying this on a WinXP SP2 machine.

Thanks and best Regards

P.S. : Realized that this posting would better suit to the VLM-Thread, if any Mod can be so nice to move this posting, thanks?

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