Convert Video with Brightness

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New Cone
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Convert Video with Brightness

Postby El3mental » 16 Oct 2014 21:08

I'm trying to convert a video with the brightness altered/increased.

I know, convert/save, select file, yadda yadda yadda, saves transcoded file. But the brightness isn't being changed. I know you select which filters show up under the preferences>video>filters menu, but none of the descriptions are clear at all on which filter controls brightness.

I've done this before, some months ago, so I'm assuming the only filter I had checked (Image Properties Filter) is the correct one, unless an update changed that.

Edit: Decided to work randomly on 1 file. Think I may have have selected the post processing filter as well. Still doesn't work on other videos; it either produces a tiny file with no video, or it just glitches and continually tries to open and close the input file until I kill it by taskmanager. Why is something that should be so simple so very very hard?

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 16 Oct 2014 21:00

Re: Convert Video with Brightness

Postby El3mental » 18 Oct 2014 19:04

Bump for help

Edit: Changed options under preferences>stream output>sout stream>transcode, selected post processing and image properties filter. Didn't give me brightness, but the video outputs now....without audio.

Double Edit: Reinstalled, refreshed preferences, got video with brightness to work, but no matter what there is no audio in the converted video.

Triple: As expected, the output video does not have an audio stream. However vlc will still convert audio for me. So I have no idea what its issue is.

Did some looking around, this is apparently a common issue. I'm converting a MPEG-1/2 Video, with MPEG Audio Layer 1/2/3 (Mono, 32000Hz, 64kbps) to MP4. Seems if I leave the sampling rate for the audio output as 44100Hz, it gives me nothing. If I go lower, (next setting is 22050Hz) the audio works but there's stutters and pops every second. 44800Hz makes the audio watery along with the pops and stutters.

New Cone
New Cone
Posts: 7
Joined: 16 Oct 2014 21:00

Re: Convert Video with Brightness

Postby El3mental » 20 Oct 2014 18:27


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