Radiostations with .asx not played off

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New Cone
New Cone
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Radiostations with .asx not played off

Postby LTM » 18 Jun 2013 09:45

When I click on a radio-station with extension .asx (which I have saved on my computer) the VLC Media Player does not do anything. These types of radio streams can only be played by the Windows Media Player (which on it's turn does not play the radio-stations with extension .pls).

I would like to play all my saved radio-stations with one (1) media player.

So the question is: why does the VLC Media Player refuse to play these streams (which are saved as "VLC media file (.asx)")? In the file connections the VLC Media Player is marked as standard player, .asx included. Above that .asx is a very common extension.

By the way, I don't want to paste the url in the media player. That's too complicated. Just click and play.

Can anyone please explain and help? Thanks in advance.

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